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  1. #41
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    Yes one can make their own rules when they are playing in their own sandpit.
    Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers

  2. #42
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    To clarify something briefly mentioned, concerning US Law:

    ANY bird of prey feather or body part requires a permit to own. Same for any songbird or any endangered species.

    Such permits are not limited to Native Americans, although Native Americans have an easier time of getting said permit. Other routes for the permits include (but not limited to) educational organizations, zoos, museums, wildlife rescue, and falconry. Members of many religions can also apply, if they can document the use of a feather/body part in their religious tradition (which can be difficult in some situations). In any case, all such items must be requested and distributed by the US government to the individual, with the exception of individuals/groups who husband the donor bird in question (i.e. if you find a feather in the wild and you have a permit, you can't just keep it either. You have to turn it in to the Department of Natural Resources, who will distributed it using their priority system.)

    For example, if the Scottish Tartan Museum in North Carolina wanted to put up a display of a Cheiftan in historical dress, they could apply to the federal government for the permits and issuance of a pair of real golden eagle feathers.

    Realistically, it's less expensive just to buy the fake eagle feathers though.

    ETA: Technically, a Native American also must have this permit to possess an eagle feather. Of course, what is legal and what is enforced are two different situations.
    Last edited by Deirachel; 15th August 13 at 01:29 AM.
    Death before Dishonor -- Nothing before Coffee

    Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by WVHighlander View Post
    ...some of the Clan Counsels etc have determined if one is a commissioner for a Clan, they may wear a feather if they are in the area they represent...so in my case I would wear a feather whilst in North Carolina if I was so inclined.
    Did you mean to say "commissioner for a Clan association"? Big difference. I don't know how it is in other clans and associations. In mine, being a commissioner makes one neither a Scottish armiger nor a clan chieftain.

  4. #44
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    I meant a Commissioner in a Clan or Clan Association, indeed it would depend on how your own organization viewed itself....(as we all well know, we all have different opinions regarding this topic; not to be hashed out here on a the topic of whether or not a feather can be worn behind the Clan Cap Badge if one armigerous) Also, I was not associating the two as being synonymous. State Commissioner does not equal armigerous, also State Commissioner does not equal Clan Chieftain. (Gents: I am starting to feel like I have to write legal arguments for these posts!! )
    [I]From my tribe I take nothing, I am the maker of my own fortune.[/I]-[B]Tecumseh[/B]
    [LEFT][B]FSA Scot
    North Carolina Commissioner for Clan Cochrane
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  5. #45
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    The point I attempted to make, evidently not very effectively, is that Scottish clan chiefs wear three feathers, clan chieftains wear two and Scottish armigers wear one. It's quite simple until people muddy the waters to suit their own purposes.

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  7. #46
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    That is true and I concur. What I was attempting to point out is that organizations, such as COSCA, have also put out guidelines/suggestions in the wearing of feathers. As such, they suggested that State Commissioners wear one, if in their state, national commissioners wear two, and of course ONLY the chief gets three. I was only pointing it out as another discussion on the topic that has occurred. Again, one does what one's organization supports or tradition holds....Personnally, I am both a comissioner and an armiger (albeit not from Scotland yet, but supported/recognized by my chief) and haven't worn a feather yet.
    Last edited by WVHighlander; 15th August 13 at 09:13 AM.
    [I]From my tribe I take nothing, I am the maker of my own fortune.[/I]-[B]Tecumseh[/B]
    [LEFT][B]FSA Scot
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  8. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deirachel View Post
    ETA: Technically, a Native American also must have this permit to possess an eagle feather. Of course, what is legal and what is enforced are two different situations.
    42USC1996 and all supplements......

    When it comes to my People's religion/traditions all the governments "rules & laws" are a moot point.....

    Now, lets return to the discussion as it was ment to be, as it pertains to Clans and Highlander ways.....

    Shawnee / Anishinabe and Clan Colquhoun

  9. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Hawk For This Useful Post:

  10. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
    42USC1996 and all supplements......

    When it comes to my People's religion/traditions all the governments "rules & laws" are a moot point.....

    Now, lets return to the discussion as it was ment to be, as it pertains to Clans and Highlander ways.....

    [I]From my tribe I take nothing, I am the maker of my own fortune.[/I]-[B]Tecumseh[/B]
    [LEFT][B]FSA Scot
    North Carolina Commissioner for Clan Cochrane
    Sons of the American Revolution[/B][/LEFT]

  11. #49
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    42USC1996 does protect the rights of the Tribes to practice the traditional religion, but 42USC1996 is about possession of Peyote. Nor does require a permit for possession of an endangered species body part interfere with said right. Additionally, any Native American who follows a European religion (for example a Roman Catholic) can not use 42USC1996 as a reason for ownership of an eagle feather.

    The applicable law is 50CFR22, which does not limit ownership of eagle feathers as a sacred object. And, it does apply to the question at hand, as this is where one finds the option for educational/scientific permits.

    Hawk, you are not the only Tribal member here.
    Death before Dishonor -- Nothing before Coffee

    Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione

  12. #50
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    A very interesting discussion. I'm a fishing fly tier and have resisted the temptation many times to take feathers from road kills, knowing that if found out, I could be in trouble. But if I may go slightly off track for a bit...I understand the use of eagle feathers to mark a leader's physical position or rank, on the field, but what about the wearing of small decorative body or hackle feathers under one's badge for a bit of color? I've seen pictures of such use.

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