My first kilt was a great kilt for ren fairs. Next I bought a tank, primarily for the pourposes of wearing to formal events (My wife's work causes me to go to about 2 a year, and frankly I just wanted to stand out a little, and I do have some Scottish heratige). It honestly never occurred to me to wear kilts on a regular basis, but I could justify the cost since renting a Tus would cost me the same ammount in 4-5 years). Then (almost 5 years ago) I first heard about UK. I was instantly in love. Imagine a kilt that was practical to wear all the time (though at the time I figured I'd wear it occasionally on weekends or maybe to a concert or two). Today, I am kilted full time, own 16 kilts (three tartans) and wear which ever is appropriate to what I'm doing. UK's Workman's for work, originals or Survivals for hanging out, tartans or UK mocker for teaching, church, dressy events, Survivals or PK for cold weather casual, Spartan for lounging around the house. Adam
... but the cat prefers wool:
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