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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkislander View Post
    So if the majority don't look down, why does Gold Brothers keep coming up on the forum?
    From what I have seen, the vast majority of the problem with the Gold Brothers is that they have been known to seel the "Designed in Scotland" pieces that are very misleading to the customer. Have a look at Heritage of Scotland (a Gold Bros. site) and you'll see they also offer 8 yard wool in the same price range as others. So, the less-than-glowing feelings about them certainly have nothing to to do with wool vs. acrylic or expensive vs. inexpensive. It's also nothing to do with anyone looking down their nose...

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Another poster on this thread boasted of having 26 kilts because he could take advantage of the less expensive options. If we assume that all of these were at the price point of a Stillwater standard, this would be about $2080 worth of kilts. For that price you could also have four or five really nice made-to-measure woolen kilts. And for most people, four or five quality kilts is more than enough. In fact, for most people, one or two kilts is plenty.
    EXACTLY what I was going to say. Thank you, Matt, for putting it so eloquently.

    And another thing, there are plenty of bargains all around you. At the Chicago Highland Games I bought two pairs of Argyle hose for a total of $70. $400-$500 value for $70. And while I could buy a $450 tweed kilt jacket, I just converted a $2.75 thrift store one. Nobody knows it is a conversion until I tell them it is. So it's not just buying expensive, it is buying smart. I own wool kilts (save for the two Frugal Corner ones that were free) because I shop smart and buy thrifty.

    Thrifty isn't about cheap, it's about quality. What's more thrifty, a $2 screwdriver that I'll have to replace ever year, or a $7 screwdriver with a lifetime warranty? Yes, the initial investment will be higher, but the overall savings definitely add up.

    And don't give me the "low income" argument. I'm in college with bills to pay and a entry-level job at Target. I know it's tough but, if you'll allow me to boast, I think I've demonstrated that it is possible to get quality for less money.

  3. #53
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    What people nowadays tend to forget is that until recently any sort of clothing was not cheap. You didn't stroll into a mall and pick a cheap suit off a rail. Instead you visited a tailor, maybe even took your own cloth along, and he made you up a suit. Many farmers kept a black sheep in their fields precisely to make up a dark cloth for their suit. And because this tailor didn't employ child labour in some low-wage sweatshop in some third world country his suit didn't come cheap. It did last a lifetime, however, so you didn't have to spend that kind of money often. The only people in those days, and I am only going back to the 1950's, who had many suits were the seriously rich ones and they would have had a wardrobe full to reflect their status in society. Just think how fortunate then we are nowadays when we can clothe ourselves for such little cost. But to whom?

  4. #54
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    Here, I only own three traditional hand-sewn kilts. I used to own seven Utilikilts as well. I just found that the traditionals fit me better, since they seemed to be fitted to my body, even though two were previously-owned, by people who happened to be built the same way I am. I only bought one new... That said, the other two looked like they had never been worn. In fact, one of them was new, and never picked up. That was my first kilt, from North Channel Kilts, here in the Seattle area. Got a (at the time) $685 kilt for $150. My second kilt, my MacKenzie modern military-weight kilt, was $525 or so. That was the new kilt. My third, which is the one that I seem to wear the most, is a preowned J Higgins Armstrong modern 16 ouncer that I got for $375.00. Paid it off over about 9 months, then drove down to Oregon to pick it up. Most kiltmakers seem to take half when you order the kilt, then, the other half is due when the kilt is ready. So, the bullet isn't too hard to bite. When I get ready to buy another traditional, I'll do the same as I've done before. Shop around, look for one that someone outgrew or shrank out of, then, if I don't find anything I like, start saving up.

    Anyway, I still am interested in getting some casual kilts, but will probably go through Steve @ Freedom Kilts, since I can at least have them fitted to my body, instead of buying something off the rack, like you do with Utilikilts. Although, if I come across a couple used UK's in my size, I might grab them, just to have something for prowling the junkyards in and for working on cars, etc...


  5. #55
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkislander View Post
    So if the majority don't look down, why does Gold Brothers keep coming up on the forum?
    The complaints about Gold Brothers have to do with their business proactices, not the fact that they sell inexpensive kilts. If people on this forum generally poo-pooed the idea of inexpensive kilts, I don't think Sportkilt or Stillwater kilts would be such popular sponsors.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    EXACTLY what I was going to say. Thank you, Matt, for putting it so eloquently.

    Thrifty isn't about cheap, it's about quality. What's more thrifty, a $2 screwdriver that I'll have to replace ever year, or a $7 screwdriver with a lifetime warranty? Yes, the initial investment will be higher, but the overall savings definitely add up.
    I used to teach fly fishing and fly tying. Every year I'd offer a class on Casting the Fly Rod. I'd contact all prospective students and give them a flyer that detailed what would be needed for the class. among those items was a list of good quality rods at different price levels...starting with a full outfit right around $100.00 made by Fenwick ( a leading name in fly rod technology).

    Inevitably, about 30% of the students would show up for the first day of class with an Eagle Claw Spin & Fly combo. After they had purchased the reel and the line, these students probably had close to, if not slightly more invested in their equipment, than if they had purchased the Fenwick package.

    BUT!!! Not a single one of those individuals with their Ace Hardware Eagle Claws ever learned to cast a rod or ever went on to actually become a fly fisherman.

    Why? Because no one can cast with a fly/spin combo. The rod isn't engineered to do either job correctly.

    So...the upshot? The virtuously frugal student ended up spending as much or more than the students who took the instructor's advice to heart...but wasted it all.

    They didn't learn to cast, so the class fees were lost. The rod was useless so the rod and the reel and the line costs were lost. And the time spent attending a six week class was also wasted.

    The only thing of significance that was acquired was another heaping helping of frustration and disappointment. Enough of those helpings and it becomes a lifelong habit.

    The moral? "Thrifty isn't about cheap, it's about quality."
    DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
    In the Highlands of Central Oregon

  7. #57
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    Is that a “spare the rod and spoil the child” story?
    (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

    To me thrift includes value and utility. I define those for my own means, preferences, and needs. They then inform my decision on the worth and sufficiency of whichever degree of quality is, for me, thrifty.

    That’s a mouthful!
    Maybe thrift can be over-defined as well as under-defined?
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  8. #58
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    Ditto to what JakobT said.
    Kilted Elder

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  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by beloitpiper View Post
    And don't give me the "low income" argument. I'm in college with bills to pay and a entry-level job at Target. I know it's tough but, if you'll allow me to boast, I think I've demonstrated that it is possible to get quality for less money.
    I am not giving you anything. I do not have a low income. I am not a college student. I am 39. I am married. I have a house. And I have a sick wife that can not work and I have to maintain.

    Boast all you want.

    This is not the intent of my original post, and I will not allow you to turn it into your own personal showcase.

    Thank you very much.

    Moderators, if you please.
    Hector Rojas Young | Chilean-Scot

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  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by hospitaller View Post
    ...Moderators, if you please.
    I am asuming that Hector would prefer his thread closed at this point (if not drop me or one of the other Moderators a PM and we will reopen it)


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