X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
10th July 09, 02:08 PM
In the interest of fairness I should report that William James of Celtic Craft Centre sent me a detailed email explaining the issues concerning the tartan we originally had wanted. Apparently it's a custom weave if we wanted to get it in a heavy weight fabric. Though not explained by his employee at the time of order and though some sort of break down happened with the order he has offered to be very obliging in an attempt to make things right and satisfy the customers (my bro-in-law and me) - since it's a custom weave it could take a veeeeeery long time to get - sometime in early 2010. So chances are we'll just keep what we have and ponder ordering another
10th July 09, 05:06 PM
If you are talking about the MacKay/Morgan tartan in the darker blue color (modern colors) as opposed to the ancient (lighter) colors it is available from Strathmore mills in 13 oz material, more than adequate for kiltmaking and readily avaialble at a reasonable price. Only the Ancient is a stock 16oz tartan, although I can attest that just about any tartan Strathmore weaves in 13 oz can also be woven in their 15-16oz weight as well (T100 weight I believe they call it). As you say it might take a month or two extra but should not be that big a deal to get if you work through a reputable kiltmaker with the appropriate contacts.
10th July 09, 07:52 PM
I was mostly kidding about dyeing the kilt. I've been doing so much with so many different kinds of fabric and -- as a result -- so many different kinds of dyes, I'd almost think I could pull it off by this point. *heh*
Tony Miles, that sucks. I at least knew if I went with the one McClure tartan I've found (even if I can't lay claim to it) it would be a custom weave. They were very clear about that.
Clan McKinnon, hopefully I'll see you there, then.
12th July 09, 06:52 AM
The last 3 came yesterday and they all are just what we were hoping to get. There are small differences in the tartan from the lighter weight of the wife's and kids kilts to the tank which is mine but they are small differences that can be lived with, ecspecially as it is the family tartan.
These are first kilts for my better half and I, my kids all have at least one kilt each besides these. I am happy with them, and of course want another now.
Heavy sigh... I tried to post a pictue but could not get it done. I will have to try again later. I did get it as my avatar tough.
12th July 09, 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Clan McKinnon
Heavy sigh... I tried to post a pictue but could not get it done. I will have to try again later. I did get it as my avatar tough.
you have to host the pic on the web somewhere first, like photobucket.com then use the UBB code like this
[img]www.put your link here.com/and your pic.jpg[/img]
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