5th February 08, 06:08 AM
My big toes are even shorter than my second toes, by a 1/4 inch!
[B]Paul Murray[/B]
Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
5th February 08, 02:20 PM
And of course you've heard about the very shy girl who went to the doctor complaining about an itch between her toes. When he asked which toes she blushed and said her BIG TOES! Don't think she was Celtic though.
5th February 08, 03:05 PM
Careful Phil; there are ladies on this forum also......
My Aunt had the hand thing, but no one else ever did.
5th February 08, 07:30 PM
I agree,,,, I thought everyone could pick things up with their toes. My cruel older brother would pinch us with his toes... while we were on the floor watching tv and he was sitting on the couch, and mom and dad would say he never left the couch.... Until they learned that he could pinch us with his toes....
oh by the way my 1st 3 toes are the same size... with the forth slightly smaller...
on the one hand
I am a [B]perfectly ordinary[/B] human being
on the other
I am a [B]kilt-wearing karaoke king[/B]
with a passion for kiwis
5th February 08, 07:42 PM
BTW, I would personally like to thank all for not actually posting pics as proof your "Celtic lineage".
6th February 08, 01:14 AM
 Originally Posted by ccga3359
BTW, I would personally like to thank all for not actually posting pics as proof your "Celtic lineage".
Fortunately we don't have "Smell-o-vision" yet!
6th February 08, 07:32 AM
Wow, the proof is in the toes!
6th February 08, 08:10 AM
Whether it is true or not, it is fun, so here goes.
I toe the line - my big toe is slightly smaller than my 2nd toe. My foot is also wide, which makes shoe shopping hard to do (size 14 is hard enough without trying to find wide widths). I also have the high arch/pronation problem.
Check on the prehensile toes. I thought everyone could do that, too. It would appear that I'm Celtic to the toe bone.
I'm also tall, but that came from my Cherokee side. My father was only 5'10". I'm 6'3", along with most of my uncles and cousins on Mom's side of the family.
No red hair in our family - I was a toe-head, though. (hehehe - misspelling intended) I had blond hair until around age 10. I don't know what that means; bleach in the genes?
I fail the temperature test. I run about a degree hotter than the norm.
Last edited by AtagahiKC; 6th February 08 at 08:29 AM.
6th February 08, 02:27 PM
 Originally Posted by BoldHighlander
While on the subject of DNA, was watching a video I had recorded some little while back off of TLC about Vikings, and in the course of the show they were trying to figure out how wide spread the descendants of the Norse were in Britain, and a DNA project done in Scotland had shown that in Orkney, Shetland & the far north Scottish mainland that 60% of the male population had Viking DNA.
So if your ancestors are from these regions you maynot be as Celt as you think but maybe a son of Odin 
As an aside, there is a rare genetic hand disease that appears amongst people either from Ireland /Scotland (well, Britain as a whole really), or those descended from them called Dupuytren's Contracture, which is a fixed flexion contracture of the hand where the fingers bend towards the palm and cannot be fully extended (straightened). Amongst those who have had this condition were Ronald Reagan & Margaret Thatcher. The thought is this was passed into the population by the Viking/Norse settlers.
Yep, and same goes for the Irish.
6th February 08, 03:28 PM
 Originally Posted by gilmore
My big toes are even shorter than my second toes. Does this mean I am more Celtic than you?
That makes 2 of us. I always referred to it as ET toes, but not it's my Celtic toe 
I don't have red hair, but my beard is reddish...okay it was before it started turning grey.
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