Psst. ButlerGal. He's getting closer!
Who's Butlergal?????
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.) Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth. 7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
Originally Posted by turpin Who's Butlergal????? Well that's embarrassing. Crossed my wires there. The volume of messages got to be overwhelming.
That's funny! *smells burning insulation and checks house* It happens.
I'll forever be the guy who took the sexy out of SexyButler!
Nah! She has a lot of that. ;)
Originally Posted by Ted Crocker English. I know, I know, all the spelling mistakes and weird grammer. I've been living out in the desert too long. THAT was funny!
Originally Posted by robthehiker Psst. ButlerGal. He's getting closer! LOL, whoopsie. I know, I need to change my name here. It's too confusing.
Originally Posted by turpin Who's Butlergal????? Hardee har har. Wise guy!
to whelm or not to whelm that is the question...... hmmm definitely to whelm!
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