Quote Originally Posted by Dram View Post
Albeit this may be a biased newspaper, there is in fact plenty of evidence that the bagpipes did not originate in Scotland.

The bagpipes are a pastoral instrument that were probably independently "invented" and used by many European cultures (and I'm sure elsewhere). In the north of England for example, piping was/is very prevalent. Not sure where or when the bagpipes arrived in Scotland (some suggest they were in fact from Ireland), it is very possible the Scots independently developed them like so many other cultures. A painting from the 1600's shows the modern form of the Scottish Great Highland Bagpipe...so we know at least that far back.

The bagpipes really are a world heritage instrument.
Maltese bagpipes are basically a cored out goat skin with the hair on and with drones, chanter and mouthpiece stuck into leg holes or other appropriate orifices. Scarier looking than the Scots variety.