29th March 08, 08:07 PM
Startin' from scratch...
Ok, despite being scared to death, I am going to attempt to make my very first homemade kilt. Can someone give me a few tips on the first steps I should take to get myself educated and started?
29th March 08, 08:11 PM
Alan H has a thread on that, and it would be the X-Kilt. I'm looking for my link and I'll post it here if someone doesn't beat me to it.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
29th March 08, 08:16 PM

The information that you are looking for can be found in AlanH's X-Kilt manual, and the link for it can be found in the thread by the same author.
The idea of making your own kilt is scary, but once you get going it's not that bad. If you get stuck, or need clarification on something, post here and we'll help ya.
Good luck, and post pics of the finished product
29th March 08, 08:22 PM
29th March 08, 08:29 PM
I'm getting slow on finding the links you guys. But you might also at some point want to get X Marks member, Barb T's book "The Art of Kiltmaking" if you want to keep making kilts after the X-Kilt. Barbara Tewksbury
Good luck.
Last edited by Bugbear; 29th March 08 at 08:39 PM.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
29th March 08, 09:14 PM
Step 1 Buy a copy of "The Art of Kiltmaking" by Barb Tewksbury.
Step 2 Read the Book completely from cover to cover.
Step 3 Read the Book again.
Step 4 Now you know how a kilt is made. You can now change, modify, or adapt as much as you like.
Step 5 Post pics here.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.
29th March 08, 09:46 PM
I wish to differ slightly with Steve.
I agree with #s 1 through 4. My number five is readAlan H's X-Marks kilt manual.
6. read Alan H's manual again
7. read Barbara's book again
8. Get someone to measure you for the style of kilt you want to make
9. Get measured again - Have someone else do it, self measurement can lead to erors
10. Get measured again
11. reread the appropriate manual again and place bookmarks on the areas that you will be starting in.
12. Construct a kiltmakers thimble
13. layout and mark your material.
14. remeasure the layout and markings
15. Start sewing!
16. When completed, have someone take pictures of you in it. Front side with a step up, and of course a pleat shot.
17. Post pictures on XMTS.
Plan next kilt.
29th March 08, 09:52 PM
P.S. My first self made kilt was done on overnight guard duty while in the Air Force stationed in Germany. I had made a visit to Scotland on my first leave in Europe, came back with some nice tartan. Winter duty was very warm in an unheated shack, with eight yards of Scot wool on my lap.
29th March 08, 10:04 PM
You know, a really good first step is to carefully and thoroughly look at a kilt until you understand the basic idea about how it's made.
30th March 08, 12:11 AM
 Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC
Step 1 Buy a copy of "The Art of Kiltmaking" by Barb Tewksbury.
Step 2 Read the Book completely from cover to cover.
Step 3 Read the Book again.
Step 4 Now you know how a kilt is made. You can now change, modify, or adapt as much as you like.
Step 5 Post pics here.
Step 6 Lots of coffee.
step 7 Lots more coffee.
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