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walkerk RELIEF in SIGHT for... 23rd August 09, 12:18 PM
TwoTone Thank goodness we can all get... 23rd August 09, 01:24 PM
blackbeard Fascinating article. My... 23rd August 09, 05:49 PM
Wompet Page 91, second paragraph -... 24th August 09, 04:04 PM
  1. #1
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    San Francisco Bay Area
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    Talking RELIEF in SIGHT for Sweltering Males

    From a favorite web site comes a lengthy article with many arguments familiar to today's kilt wearer. Kilts weren't on the radar yet (probably because it wouldn't be available for a few more years. )


    On positive note: in eight decades, New York hotels have eased their stance. During a stay at the Palace last year, their head of security had only positive comments about the kilt.

  2. #2
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    Ogden, UT
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    Thank goodness we can all get our suits $2 cheaper now that they finally quit selling them with vests.
    What an interesting article. I wonder if the author was really in the majority back then, or if most men didn't give much thought to their comfort level.

  3. #3
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    Fascinating article. My favorite line is at the very end.
    “and if any one calls you a sissy, swat him in the nose with a good masculine fist.”
    (Not that I advocate any undue violence.)

    Let's all hear it for the $2 vest!

    Since we are on the subject of men's proper non-kilted attire. Here is an interesting factoid.
    The Tuxedo jacket was designed at the turn of the last century (1900) as informal evening attire. It was never to be warn in the presents of ladies. It was only to be worn during “stag” dinner parties at the club or for informal dinners at home.....Later on in the century, black tie and the Tuxedo were acceptable theatre and opera attire, but only in the balconies, and never on opening night.
    My! how the times have changed.

  4. #4
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    Grand Island, New York
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    Page 91, second paragraph - "If he dons any kind of skirt or gown or flowing robe like the Caesars wore, he looks like a picture of his grandmother prepared to retire."

    When I wear a kilt, I don't look anything like my grandmother.
    Nor my great-grandmothers, neither - for one thing, I'm a foot and a half taller than either one of them.

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