Sorry for the brief time away...I know "You were gone?" Well, to my point.
I was cleaning up the laptop today and I came across a copy of something I got off the web. I don't have the site because I did a copy to document of a bunch of info from different sites but the subject was on NLP. The site stated...
'They stand straight, as though a rope held their head straight up. Their neck rarely bows in submission. They look straight ahead, with sweeping or darting movements.
They move towards their destination with purpose and deliberation. Alpha males feel important and have definate agendas. They stride towards their objectives with bouncy steps. They act as though they know where they are going and why they are going there. Timid, daydreaming shuffles are left to domineered males.'
Kinda sounds like a kilt wearing male to me. Could it be wearing a kilt turns you into an Alpha Male OR does a Alpha Male wear a kilt OR is it a little of both?
Something to think about I believe...