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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th October 10
    Pennsyl-tuckey-vill-burg-town (aka central Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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    Talking When it Rains it Pours

    Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Things are crazy here. Car got totalled from hitting a deer (thankfully didn't hit it with the motorcycle) during the first hour of an 8 hour drive, the roof on the new house needs redone but the money for that is going to the new car, the motorcycle needs new fork seals, rear tire, inspection, and a carb clean, had to cancel every plan for the rest of the year except the unalterable ones because of the money being drained by the new car, the pipes under our sink are leaking horribly because the previous owners didn't know what they were doing, we have a horrible mold problem in our bathroom, and the house has a carpenter ant infestation. Did I miss anything? Sorry to rant. Just neded to unload.

    At least we are all in good health here. That's a very good thing.

    All the best,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th October 09
    Kerrville, Texas
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    Wow, sorry to hear about all that. I feel your pain on the car thing. I live in an area that's quite infested with deer, and I've had at least 6 major deer strikes in the last 10 years which required extensive repair to my vehicles (not counting minor strikes). Never had one totaled, though. My greatest fear is hitting one and having it come up through my windshield.

    I think the most damage from deer strikes is usually done when the driver loses control and runs off the road or hits other vehicles. Hitting the deer itself will indeed cause damage (all of my major strikes were at 65-70 miles per hour), but keeping the car on the road after the strike is the important part! Some people end up careening off the road, rolling over, hitting fences or trees, etc. And that's usually what causes the worst injuries and damage.

    How big was the deer you hit?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    ... How big was the deer you hit? ...
    Blimey Tobus, you should be ashamed of yourself. Poor Hugh is offering up his tale of woe here and all you are worried about is how many sporrans you can extract from the road kill...

    Hugh, I'm glad you are all in good health at least. It'll work out mate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
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    Tobus - south texas Aarg I like to overnight in Ft Stockton and head on to Houston in early AM - gathered my Bambi about 4 years and $4500 ( for State Farm) ago. Wanna hide - dress like Texas deer - spotted him about 50 feet out. There is a reason Texans prefer trucks. Didn't even knock the alignment out - drove on to Houston with Toyota and Bambi parts dangling - LOL.
    Last edited by tundramanq; 22nd May 12 at 07:28 AM.
    slàinte mhath, Chuck
    Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
    "My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
    Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The deer in Pennsylvania and the midwest in general make the deer in Texas look like chihuahuas with antlers. A 200-pound buck would be huge for Texas, but is pretty commonplace further north. Understandably, they do much more damage when meeting a vehicle at speed.

  6. #6
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    Just dug out from my own financial poopstorm; the winds must have blown it east to PA. Sorry I didn't warn you it was coming!

    Relieved that you are safe and you and your wife are healthy. Good foundation for more upwardly movement.
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Pennsyl-tuckey-vill-burg-town (aka central Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrummerBoy View Post
    The deer in Pennsylvania and the midwest in general make the deer in Texas look like chihuahuas with antlers. A 200-pound buck would be huge for Texas, but is pretty commonplace further north. Understandably, they do much more damage when meeting a vehicle at speed.
    Yep. This was the biggest doe I have ever seen. And this just 3 weeks after the damage was repaired from when a huge buck tried to jump over, but landed ON my car. Didn't try to pop the hood this time because it might not have shut again so we just kept on the New Hampshire an examined under the hood later. Thankfully even though my wife was driving and she is easily panicked she didn't swerve or anything that dangerous. The car I am hoping to pick up this Friday will be the third car in two years for me. Rearended last year-totalled car, deer strike-totalled car, now I'm getting another. Ugh. At least none of these things were my fault so the only increase to my insurance in because of the type of car I'm getting.

    Quote Originally Posted by LitTrog View Post
    Just dug out from my own financial poopstorm; the winds must have blown it east to PA. Sorry I didn't warn you it was coming!

    Relieved that you are safe and you and your wife are healthy. Good foundation for more upwardly movement.
    Thanks LitTrog. There should be an ap for that.

  8. #8
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    I prefer the Texas Bambi's they won't end up in your lap.
    slàinte mhath, Chuck
    Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
    "My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
    Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    PSA for today, got a lot of kilts - take pictures - for insurance reasons - house fire - and they will need proof that you actually do have more the $10,000 in kilts etc. My agent has a copy of my pictures and list, just in case.

    Biblemonkey I feel your pain - the only "repairs" I have had to make on my place were because of previous owners fixes and "improvements".
    Last edited by tundramanq; 22nd May 12 at 07:42 AM.
    slàinte mhath, Chuck
    Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
    "My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
    Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I know the financial pains. It sucks. Sounds like you need 2 huge rolls of duct tape.

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