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    Looking for Sporran sources

    Alright folks my next purchase has to be a dress sporran, again for my wedding in march. I have looked at my local shops have not found what I want yet. Plus they are, again, outrageously expensive.

    So I'm looking at all I can find, but haven't been able to find many good sources for dress sporrans. Thus far I've looked at scottishkilts.net, kiltstore.net and they both have some promising options, but I haven't found anything that was just right. So far I am fairly fond of these:

    http://kiltstore.net/sr_morri_mhd3.h...e=highlandwear (I dont really like the cantle on this one but the overall design is nice)

    What do I want? I have no idea .. I just know I haven't seen it yet. I do remember seeing a picture of one posted on here a little while that was really nice .. but I can't find it. I don't fully remember it, but the cantle was antiqued silver and very ornate.

    Anyways I just wanted to see if there are some other good options out there. Thanks!

  2. #2
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    C K,

    Take a look at the Celtic Croft's Economy and Economy Fur Sporrans


    In their Economy Section take a look at the SE04

    (Black leather with Chromed Cantle Economy Sporran for $55 US)

    Their Economy fur sporrans come in white, grey, brown, black, and black with white tassels with a chrome cantle for $75 US. I think the grey rabbit fur one is rather handsome myself.

    I have an earlier version of the Black Leather with Chrome Cantle sporran.
    They are upfront that these are not the highest quality sporrans. I don't believe mine would hold up to heavy use. But I think it looks nice with my new formal outfit*

    Comparing the amount of use I have for my formal sporran compared to my day sporran, I'm glad I went with an inexpensive formal one and have a handmade Freelander for daywear. If you are only going to wear your kilt formally, or if you intend to go to a lot of formal events, or if it really matters to you, then buy a quality L & M sporran (or similar). If not, get an affordable but handsome (but perhaps not so well made) formal sporran for occassional use.
    Then put your money toward a real quality daywear one (like a Freelander)

    Just my opinion

    Good luck with your search

    * One caveat, the chain that came with this sporran from the Celtic Croft was pretty flimsy. I switched it out for the much better one that came with my braided black sporran from Stillwater.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  3. #3
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    A good dress sporran is going to be expensive, no way around it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoobradley View Post
    A good dress sporran is going to be expensive, no way around it.
    But a good looking one doesn't need to be

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian_Kilt View Post
    Alright folks my next purchase has to be a dress sporran, again for my wedding in march. I have looked at my local shops have not found what I want yet. Plus they are, again, outrageously expensive.
    Dress sporrans are, by definition, something extravagant.

    The best sporrans among the middle class are from Nicoll Brothers in Bankfoot and Janet Eagleton in Perth. I'm a bit more partial to Nicoll Bros but Janet Eagleton's sporrans are not of lesser design or quality.

    Compared to other quality leather goods I think they are modest in price. Cheaper than any designer "hand bag".

    I'm fond of seal furs which these days even present the best value due to the highly depressed market in the wake of a ban from the United States. Horse hair is no longer in vogue but I like them too for formal affairs.

    The full mask sporran are also suitable to dress but I'd avoid them for weddings as there is, especially in North America., the fear that someone might be offended seeing the face of an animal.

    I'd strongly avoid the plastic horse hair imitations, rabbit furs and the rest of the cheap Asian dress sporrans one sees advertised. There is no point to them.

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    Yes I see your point and I do agree. I don't want to spend more than I have to on this because it's not something that's going to get a ton of use. I only attend 1 or 2 formal events a year. But, it also has to be something I really like. I do quite like the one you wear - in fact it is almost exactly like the one I rented for my christmas party saturday night.

    I'm willing to spend about $200-250, but that's about my limit. I couldn't find anything decent at my local shop for less than 300 .. and most were 350-450, with 2 of them $575. They were really nice .. but I could buy another kilt for that.

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    If you just absolutely can't afford a high priced one, then by all means find a really nice looking, cheaper model. It will look fine for quite a while, especially if you only don it once or twice a year. But it's best to wait and save for the good stuff if you can. (IN any case, the bovine models don't look good to me. Look like they came from a cow.) (that's a joke.)

    I would avoid buying a cheaper dress sporran. I have one; it's OK. But I also have a very nice fur I bought at Grandfather Mountain several years ago on the last day (they are more willing to deal on Sunday afternoon), and I nearly always wear it and leave the cheaper one home.

    Even though the cheaper one looks good--like Panache's--I would still hold out for a really nice one, leather or fur. My reasoning is that, in the end, a good sporran will last forever. I keep mine wrapped in a plastic bad when not worn, and it looks like new today.

    I also wear a lot of different cheaper sporransfor day wear. But for real dress--Charlie or the doublet and lace--I don't want to look like I tried to hit and missed. A cheaper looks good now, but over time it won't last like an L&M in leather or fur.

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    Dia Dhuit!

    As a fellow Canadian I would be remiss not to mention Celtic Empires located in British Columbia! L&M Highland Outfitters is also a Canadian company (located in Nova Scotia) and while they don't sell to the public they do sell through retailers! A good way to support our economy at home! (and avoid duties!)
    [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]John Hart[/COLOR]
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  9. #9
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    Whereabouts in BC? I'm going to be in Vancouver for christmas...

  10. #10
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    How long are you in Vancouver for? If you have time, maybe we can throw together a Xmarks Christmas time meet up for some of the local guys.

    Celtic Empire is great for leather stuff, but I don't know if Rudi does dress sporrans. I got mine from scottishkilts.net and couldn't be happier with it. I ended up getting one off their site, but with some modifications http://www.flickr.com/photos/clanwood/116807765/

    This is just a matter of personal opinion, but if you are going to go for a dress sporran (especially one for your wedding), don't go for the cheap route. I know it is easy to be seduced by the deals that are a fraction of the cost for some items of Highland Wear, but somethings are better to just spend for the quality. The guys in the US can't unfortunately get the sealskin sporrans, but for now we can, and they are great.

    When I was first starting out with kilts, I went with the cheaper kilt, a cheaper dress (looking) sporran, etc,etc. These things did well for their purpose, but they never really impressed me all that much. Too be honest, I sometimes felt a bit self-consciences about them at events where their were other kilts. Some people will tell you that 90% of the population can't tell the difference, and they will be correct (maybe not as high a number in Canada as we have a pretty large Scottish heritage and population), however you will know. Having now decided to make the switch and to buy really good quality items, I just don't see the value in the economic market, especially for myself. I couldn't imagine spending $500+ for a kilt, $300+ for a nice jacket and waistcoat, and than adding a $50 sporran. To me it's like adding a side of fries with my haggis

    If you are buying this stuff to represent your heritage, and to gear up for your wedding, go for the gold and don't settle because you saved a few bucks. Save the economic versions for the casual wear and not the formal occasions.

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