21st October 11, 02:44 PM
Kilts and Clergy wear
I was planning on asking this (some day), but since MacRobert's Reply posted the following photo in another thread, I thought I would explore this subject now.
As a Lutheran clergyman (with traditional fashion sensabilities), my wardrobe for over 20 years has been black. Suits: black. Socks: black. Shirts: black. Shoes: black. I haven't bought (or worn) a dress shirt in decades. I can get dressed in the dark with no fear of creating a fashion faux pas. It's gotten to the point that my parishioners believe that even my pajamas and underwear are black. You get the picture.
Thanks to Tattoo Bradley, I am now the proud owner of a Henderson Ancient Tartan kilt and a black Argyll jacket and vest set (all of which fits like a glove). Sorry, my "jones" only lasted three days (U.S. Mail from New Mexico to Pennsylvania). I am a happy camper!
I also procured a Navy Daywear Argyll & Vest from Burnetts & Struth when they had them on sale two weeks ago. Once I get a sporran and some kilt hose, I should be good to go.
Referencing the above picture, I immediately understood when MacRobert's said the white vest was to help avoid the dreaded "black on black on black" that is an occupational hazard for many clergy. I could wear my Navy daywear jacket, with or without the vest, with a black clerical shirt, no problem.
The traditional silver buttons on the Argyll, however, are having an adverse affect on my very parochial psyche! In the near future, I will be ordering one of the following clergy vests:
I need a new clergy vest anyway, and I believe the clergy vest to be "more formal" than a plain black clerical shirt for wear with an Argyll jacket. To my mind, if I purchase the first vest (Latin style with black, textured buttons), I might be inclined to replace the buttons on the black Argyll jacket with similar buttons to match ("tone it down" to a more "priestly" standard, if you get my drift). Obviously, since the clergy vest is an actual vest, I would not be wearing the Argyll vest with it. If I procure the second vest, I'm not sure what I would do about the Argyll jacket's buttons.
I know there are different options available to me (tartan vest cut on the bias, etc.). What are some of these options? Clergy are, in a fashion sense, "different critters." For example, even when attending a wedding reception that is white tie, a pastor is still quite welcome in a black suit with clerical collar...no one expects the pastor to rent a tux. (Call it one of the "priestly percs," if you will.)
Although everyone is free to chime in on this, I am particularly interested in what other clergy at XMarks have to say on the subject. Thanks!
Last edited by FatherWilliam57; 21st October 11 at 02:50 PM.
The Rev. William B. Henry, Jr.
"With Your Shield or On It!"
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