And they call themselves men ...
I went shopping down the town yesterday (cilted and looking for black boots). In fact I'm going back down there now to pick some up. Will post another piccy shortly. Anyhow back to yesterday .. when I got on the bus to come home it was full, bar for an odd seat half way down the bus which I took. At the next stop two retired ladies got on loaded with all their shopping. There were many guys of all ages sat nearer the front of the bus and none got up to offer a seat. I duly got up, went down and told one of the ladies to have my seat half way back down the bus. She thanked me ever so much and went to the seat. Now I'm stood next to the remaining lady and she says to me 'look at at em all sitting there, and they call themselves men'. Still no one got up to offer this lady a seat. We then proceeded to have a nice little chat. The bus remained full and she was going further than me and when I got off she was still standing. Cilted or not .. I just don't understand where manners have gone.
Iechyd Da
A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer