ok heres the deal...my brother who ALSO is a firefighter is working on St. Paddy"s day...

well he's convinced the higher up to let the crew wear kilts on said day...but they HAVE to be navy blue in keeping with the uniform.

he's thinking on making ( read having ME make ) them out of cotton (t-shirt or heavier) fabric.
I told him no way will they look decent with that fabric....pleats wont stay ect. so I need to find him an alternative. I hope to find maybe PV or something to that affect. any help would be great!

I need enough fabric to make 10 kilts ranging in size 30" 42"
and they have to be made before the 17th I was thinking hillwalkers ( 5 or 6 deep pleats) would be good and fast and they will have velcro instead of straps ( to speed up the whole process of making them )

I think that the Department heads kept them in limbo on permission till now thinking there would be no way they (the crew) would get something like this put together in time so I want to help prove them wrong!

some of the crew have never worn kilts before and this would be a great way to get 10 more kilties out there!

please help me find the fabric as I can't seem to find ANYTHING on the web via google for fabric ( not really that computer savy I guess)

I'll keep looking but if anyone could point me in the right direction ....much thanks!!!
