I posted this in the "general" forum as more people will see it. Hopefully the mods will see fit to leave it here.

Ok fellow Xmarkers...it's only two weeks until the Las Vegas Celtic Festival and Highland Games. I thought I'd start a "roll call" thread to pin down exactly who will be there.

Karen and I have a room at the Imperial Palace booked, and we'll be arriving sometime Friday afternoon. I don't know what is worse...jonesing for a new kilt, or the jonesing for this vacation!

If any other members are arriving Friday, perhaps we could arrange an impromptu kilt night at one of the pubs that night.

For people who are flying in and won't have a car to get around with, we can carry up to 8 people in our Durango, I don't mind being a "bus driver".

With that in mind, who will be attending the games?