Well, it has been a short while since I bought my first kilt, an Amerikilt, I posted a review of it based on first impressions within a few days of receiving it. I feel that after a decent amount of time wearing this first kilt that I should perhaps compose another review to be compared against the last one.

I must say that I still greatly enjoy being kilted, although the Amerikilt needs a few alterations, which sadly I am unable to perform. Were I able to sew I would make these alterations in short order, but I've no idea where to start. The seat needs to be taken in by as much as 3 inches, and the waist needs to be taken in about an inch. The fabric has relaxed some and hangs nicely, although I still have to make war on the pleats when I get in my car, and hope they don't wrinkle too much on the trip.
Sadly, I have yet to take any pictures for your viewing pleasure, I have a few pics but the kilt wasn't given proper attention and I look rather sloppy as the few pics I do have were taken while I was out camping. If there is great demand for a picture I will post it but I hold no responsibility if you should go blind.
Yeah, that's about it. Enjoy.