For those of you who are interested, here is a VERY BRIEF Intro to the "All Steel Ramshorn Highland Scots Pistol". I chose this STYLE, because it is the one most people associate with the Highland Scots Pistol". Highland Scots Pistol = HSP
NOTE - I AM NOT AN EXPERT but I have a INTEREST & have & am doing research on this pistol.
1. Ramshorn (aka Scroll butt) Here is a "typical "ramshorn"
Here is another style ( "Heart Butt")
2. All Steel. The HSP was made also of Brass etc.. but Steel was predominate
3."Highland Scots" - This is used to designate that this sryle pistol was VERY different from those used by the majority of Scots ( Lowlanders)
Some uniqe features
1. Highland LOCK
2. Trigger - a Ball
3. No trigger guard
4. Vent pick in the butt
5. Belt hook - although other pistols had belt hooks, the VAST majority of the HPS had this feature.
6. Engraving - although other pistols were ingraved, ALL (but the last issue Brit. gov. pistol) had at least some engraving. & most was unique.
Where Made - The majority were made in the Lowlands ( areas abuting the Highlands) (The exception being the Brit. Gov. Issue to the "Highland Reg.s ( these were mainly made in BIRMINGHAM ENGLAND)
Scottis (Highland) makers - This site will give an idea of some of the makers
Who carrid -
1.Highland LAIRDS Cheifs ( Fanciest , often a STATIS Symbol)
2.Common Highlander ( grade depended on $$$ he had)
3. Military - Highland Reg.s were issued HBSs ( officers most often bought their own & the grade was dependent on their $$)
4. Military - other - mercenaries & those of Highland heritage ( esp. officers.)
5. Civilians of Highland heritage located outside of the highlands
Where carrid & used -
1 UK,
2. W. europe (incl. Russia)
3. The Americas
$. ETC
Here are some pictures of the VARIOUS grades
1. Brit Highland Issue ( PLAINEST)
2. "Commond"
3. Better
$. Fancy