This weekend We, here in the Seattle Area, are having the Largest Sportsman's Show in WA. Over the years, I have assisted 3 org.s with their "Booths" ( NRA, WA ST. Hunter ED. Instructors & the WA ST. Muzzleloaders Association.(WSMA)) The last few years I have KILTED UP.

Yesterday, I assisted staffing 2 Booths. WSMA & NRA. Here is a picture of me helping set up the WAMA area. The outfit I wore was chosen not to be HC, but to give a "FLAVOR" Plus, it was easy to go to my other "uniform" (NRA) simply by removing the head gear,blanket shirt, Sporran & belt (I simply had to change the sporran, Belt & add my NRA "ID.)

SORRY NO PICTURE of me @ the NRA Booth . My Camera went "SOUTH" But the young Lady from the National NRA Headquarters did take a # of pictures & will send me some when she gets back to Virginia.


1. I was the ONLY KILT in a SEA of "CAMMO" assorted "civilian & "western" Attire.
2.Positive Reactions
A.A LOT of "LOVE the KILT etc.s"
B. A FANTASTIC way to meet people & relate one on one. (other than in relation to the NRA or WSMA) on my wanderings through the Venues, Breaks, meals etc.
1 A number of individuals of "Scot's background, shared their "stories" ( yes, I did refer ?? to our forum)
2.Many individuals, after commenting on the KILT, spent a few moments just "talking".
C. The Lady from the NRA was "impressed" & said that she would like to see more kilts worn. At that point, one of the SR Training Cousulors, @ the Booth, declared that since I would not be there today, He was going to KILT UP.

Conclusion = If you get an opportunity to participate in an event like this, KILT UP. It's a BLAST