Okay. I've read many threads and many more posts on the question of fly plaids and haven't gleaned any real information on my quest for knowledge. I like the way the flys look when worn but I don't really know when, where and even why they are worn.

Are they just pinned and thrown back over the shoulder with abandon? Or, is there a prescribed "proper" method to wearing flys? I have seen old photos with them hanging back over the shoulder. I have seen photos with them wrapped around the torso and thrown back over the shoulder. I have even seen photos with them folded neatly and carefully laid back over the shoulder.

Especially from our highly-regarded Scottish brethren, and others in the know, I would like to know the way to wear a fly plaid. I'm not talking about a "day plaid" here. I was thinking more about wearing one wrapped over one shoulder and under the other pinned at the over-shoulder side. It would give it a similar appearance to a great kilt and worn with a sweater.