Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post

Spot on, as always. I have a quick and dirty gauge for deciding standards however--I think we let history and tradition set those standards, always with an eye towards the betterment of the individual and the society from which he springs.

Never, ever, let "filthy lucre" and the vulgarians even have a say.
Well, of course, I agree. I would view your gauge as timeless and shining, especially when compared to the slimy dipstick wielded by the oafs of instant gratification. The problem is that the Vulgarians have managed to convince the Ignoratti that defining civilized behavior (and thus the concepts of civilization) should be an exercise in populist participatory democracy. In their view the highest expression of a civilized society is the ability to vote for free ice-cream and circuses-- and they do.

We have, perhaps, reached a "Homer Simpson" moment in the development of western civilization.