Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
Not to muddy the waters, but the PC seems to me to be directly related to the Saxon white tie tailcoat, which is usually worn with a waistcoat. I believe the cummerbund derives from sashes. There may be some connection or there may not.
That might explain it.

I regularly have to wear white-tie, playing in the symphony orchestra. This should (as far as I'm concerned) include a white waistcoat, to match the tailcoat. One time the particular orchestra I was playing with required a black cummerbund instead of the waistcoat, and I have to say that I felt downright stupid. To me it just looked ugly, and destroyed the lines that white-tie dress creates, not unlike the kilt (when done properly).

I think the whole point is that the man is made to look taller and slimmer. This is completely negated when when you chop the whole ensemble in half with a cummerbund.


Here is how it should be done (and I mean the well-dressed man on the left- the other has also managed to get it wrong, the white strip below the jacket having the same chopping effect as the cummerbund).

