Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post

Are these the things you are looking for?

If so, why can you not make one out of a wire coat hanger?
I could make them out of coat hanger for me personally, but I'd like something welded in a chrome plated finish. SOMEONE is making them for all these kilt belt makers (gods know they aren't doing it themselves) it's just a matter of finding out WHO is making them.

I like Tandy also, but I do prefer to make my own belts out of raw strap. I prefer four 'Chicago Screws' to two snaps. As my father used to say (and sometimes still does) "You can never over-build"

Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
I've been thinking about the same thing, but I'm not sure a wire coat hanger would be stout enough. It would probably bend and distort if you tighten the belt even a little, or if you try to hang any weight from the belt.

The 1/8" diameter steel rod should be plenty stout enough for a kilt belt waistplate connector...

Why don't the regular kilt accessory vendors carry these??????????
Very nice replication of the strap! Apart from the fact that your craftsmanship is better than the original

I'm still completely flummoxed by the non-existence of this product in belting/hardware catalogs. I really don't want to contract a local firm to produce these for me when I know somewhere there is a source (most likely China) that is making them by the TON. In the words (mis-appropriated) of General Macauliffe... "Nuts".