The title of the thread, and the subject of the discussion in general makes no sense. The question is not whether it is acceptable to wear a tartan of another family. If that were so a woman should ask permission of a clan chief in order to wear a kilted skirt in that tartan, or it would be respectful to do the same so as to wear a tie or a scarf or a shirt in that tartan. Perhaps also the use of a blanket would come into this category, since spreading a piece of cloth on the ground in, say, the MacDonald tartan, so as to sit on it while having a picnic could well be considered disrespectful if one's name was Bloggs.

No, the question surrounds wearing a kilt in a particular tartan. This raises a raft of questions as to why is it respectful to ask a clan chief about wearing a kilt in a particular tartan while having no need to show such respect about wearing a tie or a jacket in the self-same tartan?

And. since that seems to be the nature of the question, is there not sexual discrimination at this point, since women seem to be exempt from the putative need to request permission? Is that not something unacceptable in the present cultural climate in the Western world?