Decided it was time to stop lurking and come in from the cold.

On the father's side, I'm Danish and Prussian (grandmother's family left before the formation of modern Germany). On mother's side, I am a McQueen (pappy's parents came from the old country), and Welsh. Grandpa McQueen was born in Canada, and served in the Canadian Machine Gun Corps during world war 1. The fact that he survived that is a story all it's own.

Suffice to say that I was raised around the wearing of the MacQueen tartan. However, my cousin, Carolyn, and I are the only ones to actually own kilts. At least her excuse is that she's a piper , while I thought it was something that was expected.

When bicycle touring, you have limited room for spare clothing, so I'm looking into getting a sport type kilt for off bike wear. Hopefully, I'll get more information from this site for that project.