Originally Posted by
But neither of the gents pictured above is wearing anything close to historical highland attire...
Red wool garters, great kilt, hand knitted socks... Other than Kurt's modern kilt, I don't see the problems (and in Kurt's defense, it was hot the weekend this picture was taken, and only Doc was still in his great kilt!) I know Doc's boots aren't strictly Highland, but they are accurate to the period, and were readily available on the British isles, so there's no reason a Highlander couldn't have owned a pair. One thing that people, especially reenactors and living historians, get caught up in is strict cultural segregation. That didn't happen! Cultures then, like today, mingled with each other. There would be a distinct cultural identity, but except in extreme cases, not an exclusive cultural identity, if you get my meaning. There are, for example, a lot of Nordic influences in Scotland. And that is really the philosophy we go by- distinctly Scottish, but obviously a part of the period overall... if that makes any sense at all!! 
And an interesting thing I've noticed- some people take issue with the doublets. They're just sleeveless versions of this:
They were pretty common throughout Europe. Yes, they're a little later than our actual period of 1690-1745, but they're really practical, so we have to factor that in.
Last edited by Nighthawk; 28th February 11 at 09:28 PM.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.