Sadly, I will be working all weekend and can't go this year. Went for the first time two years ago and had a thoroughly enjoyable time. The weather was very cooperative too! Hope you all make the most of this year's gathering.
I finally locked in some rough plans to get up there for saturday. I am not sure on all the details yet but I cannot believe I didn't have this one on my calendar for this year.
This is one of the biggest Highland games in the whole USA.
We will get there.
I "assume" the meet up will be Saturday.
Count me and my lobster kilt in!
Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber
We do a potluck dinner Saturday evening for any and all who are interested. It's a good time and the price is right (free if you bring a dish, dessert or beverage). PM me to let me know if you are interested and I'll give you the details.