I'm going. My first time and I'm looking forward to it. Even if I gotta use a zipline....
Stop by the Buchanan Clan Tent in the clan village and say hello.
President, Clan Buchanan Society International
Lookiing forward to it. Should be a fun weekend.
Sadly, I will be working all weekend and can't go this year. Went for the first time two years ago and had a thoroughly enjoyable time. The weather was very cooperative too! Hope you all make the most of this year's gathering.
Anyone know the itinerary for sunday?
Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one. Colossians 4:6
Originally Posted by ctbuchanan Yes, someone else suggested zip lines in another forum. That would be quite interesting in a kilt. But sometimes you just have to let it all hang out. A quick youtube search might change ur mind on tha one.
Originally Posted by Cowher Anyone know the itinerary for sunday? http://www.nhscot.org/index.php?id=179&tpl=default
I finally locked in some rough plans to get up there for saturday. I am not sure on all the details yet but I cannot believe I didn't have this one on my calendar for this year.
This is one of the biggest Highland games in the whole USA. We will get there. I "assume" the meet up will be Saturday. Count me and my lobster kilt in!
Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber
We do a potluck dinner Saturday evening for any and all who are interested. It's a good time and the price is right (free if you bring a dish, dessert or beverage). PM me to let me know if you are interested and I'll give you the details.
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