8th September 11, 04:30 PM
Hey CT - With the talk going on - when is the " official meet up" and the pictures???
Chris Shepherd
8th September 11, 04:41 PM
Good ? Chris - any thoughts? We do a clan photo on Saturday right after the opening. I don't remember what we did with Rabble last year.
Make a suggestion.
President, Clan Buchanan Society International
9th September 11, 04:21 AM
The group shot was Sunday as Buchanan was the honored clan (as you "might" remember) and you were busy. Saturday/Sunday - I (we, my wife too) will be there both days so day/time doesn't matter to me.
Chris Shepherd
9th September 11, 08:51 AM
As of now, I will only be there on Sat. (a possibility exists we may be there Sunday as well but last-minute reservations are difficult to find this year).
If it is Sat., let me know when and where and I will make an effort to be there!
9th September 11, 06:06 PM
2:30 Saturday XMarks Meet Up
I think Saturday will be the better day for the meet up. As you note Chris we aren't Honored Clan this year (Clan Dunbar has that distinction) so the Buchanan Tent won't be as crazy as last year.
We do have the double wide hospitality tent though, so plenty of room.
Therefore - XMarks Rabble Meet Up will be at 2:30 PM Saturday at the Clan Buchanan Tent in the Clan Village - right up front - can't miss us - just look for our amazingly beautiful tartan and the Black Lion Banners!
2:30 PM meet up and photos
Note: Albannach starts at 3:00 PM right next door in the Concert Tent for those who want to go.
President, Clan Buchanan Society International
9th September 11, 06:12 PM
Thanks for nailing a time down, it is always nice to have something to shoot for.
9th September 11, 07:35 PM
Well, I was planning on hitting the Buchanan tent anyway.
10th September 11, 05:32 AM
As I mentioned earlier, I have asked my wife to assist, so if you want a photo taken with your camera. she is willing to do the honors. (I might employ another if warranted).
Chris Shepherd
10th September 11, 09:51 AM
I have the distinct pleasure of having to divide my time between two important, enjoyable things: this meet-up and whatever socializing comes from it and being with my new, adopted family, the Scots Highland Pipes and Drums. We are grade 5 and playing #12 in competition. My daughter has been drumming with the band for about four months and is really good and will compete. I am a new, (since December), piper - a pipette if you will. I will assist and watch and be proud. REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING OTHER RABBLE.
11th September 11, 05:40 PM
September 16, 17, 18, 2011
Latest News Regarding Storm Damage!
The NHHG staff met on Thursday with town officials and Loon Mountain staff and we have made our final operational plans.
The new, temporary pedestrian bridge is now open and as of this weekend so is the Kancamagus Highway! Many thanks to NHDOT staff for getting this done so quickly. Getting this bridge installed will allow us to operate almost like nothing happened. I did say almost, the bridge only has an operational width of about 10' which will be plenty enough. However we will not be allowing people to loiter on the bridge. To accommodate this we will be adding a few more ticket stations on the other end. At the end of the day we will only let enough people thru that can fit on the other side without staying on the new bridge.
The buses will be running as normal with the exception of the handicap bus. This will be using S. Mountain Rd and we anticipate delays. Please advise those that you are aware of to add extra time into their travel plans.
NO drop offs will be allowed from Rte 112 at the entrance to Loon Mountain. In the past it has been allowed to pull a car in off the road to either go to will call or to drop of guests before parking the car. Because of the construction, there is only enough room for the buses, cars will be instructed by Lincoln PD to "move on" and not allowed to stop. Plan accordingly.
Parking, the "River Lot" was essentially destroyed due to water erosion during the storm, crews are hard at work getting that back up. We fully anticipate that it will be complete for the Games, however we will not know until then if we will be able to use it to 100%. Also, because the crews are in a hurry to get something that we can use, please anticipate a less than ideal space if it should rain, please bring appropriate footwear if you are scheduled to park there. I don't think it will be muddy, but it’s not hardpack either.
Beach Lot for competitors will be open during the day. In the evening however the gate accessing the lot will be closed as there is no lighting and we don't want someone to get hurt in the dark.
Vendor parking, you will be assisted by NHHG staff in parking your vehicle and/or trailer to assure that it's as compact as can be.
Clans, same thing with parking. We have more clans joining us this year, thank you, but we also have fewer parking spaces. Please park as closely as possible.
For all, no cars will be allowed near or adjacent to the concert tent during operational hours. I will make an attempt to locate the owner, however if I can't I will ask Lincoln PD have the car ticketed or towed. Not only is it an obstruction, it's a hazard to tent evacuation. With the added clans and a bigger food tent we just don't have the room.
You may have heard in the media that the road to Loon was closed, not true. The road that services the Mountain Club and houses on that side of the mountain suffered severe damage as a result of Hurricane Irene and the heavy rains that occurred a few days ago. The road has been closed but is anticipated to be accessible by early next week. If for some reason it is not, we will make arrangements for an alternative to parking in the garage.
I believe that's it for updates. With the exception of some traffic delays and delays in getting people onto the site I don't believe we or our guests will notice a change. The bridge however will be a photo hotspot.
I think the NHGSC President, and all others would agree that to get from where Loon Mtn. was to what it will be next Friday in just a few weeks is nothing short of a miracle. This is a result of a tremendous effort and hard work from NHDOT workers, Loon staff, Town of Lincoln, contractors and a host of others. I was truly amazed that the Governor of NH thinks highly enough of us that he ordered that this temporary bridge be put into place, but more importantly he spared no expense in doing that. Most of the men and women that made this possible for us will not be known to us, they will remain anonymous. However if the opportunity arises, please thank them, if it wasn't for them our games would operate but definitely not as usual or as efficiently.
I look forward to seeing you all next week, If you have questions, please email us at info@nhscot.org.
Chris Andrews
Operations Manager
Board of Director NHGSC
Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber
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