Thanks all for the comments
I went out kilted again today .... I can see myself wanting to wear the 'one-legged pants' from now on.
I'm sure I'll get some other kilts down the road but I'll try to curb any kind of 'collecting addiction' to kilt pins - to save money
Months ago, these boots were pretty worn (not leather) and had these cracks across the toes where they bend. I painted some scenes in panels and the toe area and heel and attached these scarves which cover the cracks. The scarves go under the laces and wrap a bit around the legs a couple times.
Perhaps I'll make some longer leg-wrappings based on what I see of Viking and Anglo-Saxon leg-wrappings.
I'll probably get some greenish hose socks (for now ...they are kind of expensive) ... maybe not any 'flashes' but use ribbons or cord to tie around - a bit less showy and more archaic maybe. I've seen pictures of these types of hose ties in old paintings by R. R. McIan in the 1800's
I don't think I've seen you ... I've seen a couple customers in utilikilts walking around the Saturday seaport market and one other vendor who wears a kilt (I'll be the second I guess). If I see someone walking down the street somewhere I'll ask them if they go to this forum"you don't see anyone walking around in them often here except" ME!!! =D
I'd like to figure out some sort of thing I can attach to my belt - maybe there's something around here I can improvise something out of.
Thanks again for the kind remarks!