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  1. #11
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Congrats on the weight loss.

    I can see that the white shirt and whit(ish) hose should strike a balance that highlights the kilt, but to my eye it doesn't.

    The white doesn't clash, but it isn't doing any useful work for your overall look either I don't think.

    I do agree that lovat blue would be a terrifically versatile hose color for day wear. Second choice hose would, I think, depend on what color shirtts and sweaters you favor.

    Also, you already have the single most important item for successful kilt wearing - a good smile. Hose color is a minor point since you have the smile already.

  2. #12
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    There 's little left to say--you look pretty good--but I just had to congratulate you on the 50 lbs. I am half-way through a similar two-year program, so you are an inspiration. You look really good.

    Nest time you're at the grocery story, pick up 5 10 lb bags of flour and just think, "That's the amount of weight I am no longer carrying around. It makes me feel good to do it with 2 bags!
    Thanks, man !! I wasn't grossly overweight, but i had weighed 190 since high school, then 200, 210... When it got to 226 I said enough is enough. I stopped going to the all you can eat buffets for lunch, just got smarter and cared more about myself. I drive a company truck all day, so can pretty much choose anywhere for lunch. Those days are over... I am now down to about 175. My bad knees and back have thanked me as well !!

  3. #13
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I think the overall look is quite good. If I may critique two things:

    1) pull your kilt up a bit. It looks like it is riding low on the hip (and a bit low on the knee).

    2) It may just be the pose/picture, but the sleeve length on the jacket might be a little short for you. You're showing a LOT of cuff.

    Other than that (and a polish on the shoes) you look great.
    One other thing (not a critique, but something that immediately sprang to mind)- I can't help but think how splendid Lovat blue hose would look with that kilt.

    Ditto on all that.
    The colors in the kilt are brilliant - very good looking.
    One other thing that immediately stood out to me (and was mentioned by another gent here) the left (your left) front pleat seems to stick out/curl forward.
    Just curious about two things.
    1. How old is the kilt?
    2. What was your impression of (working with) Ms. Brose? I have my my own, and I'm afraid it's not too complimentary, so I shall hold my tongue.
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  4. #14
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Quote Originally Posted by RayMc View Post
    Ok, I may live to regret this. I am enclosing a few photos of myself in my Chattan Ancient kilt. (my one & only kilt thus far. It is of Locharron 13oz. Made by Atholl Brose in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. I would like some feedback on how it looks & any suggestions concerning the rest of the outfit.
    I'm guessing that you've had your kilt for some time now, last i heard the atholl brose was no longer in buisness? the only kilt shop i know of in Mass now is Celtic Isles in Westford. either way i have nothing to add from what has already been said, but i would like to see the pleats! wouldnt mind seeing the sgian either
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  5. #15
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Welcome to the Forum Raymac!
    I think others have covered the main points regarding your kilt and outfit.
    I find it amazing how helpful members are in helping one another to point out things we might not notice ourselves! And the comments are truly offered, I believe, in good intentions.

    One point I think I saw, but not covered yet, is the top of the kilt hose in relation to one's kneecaps. If you compare yours to the gentleman on your left, his hose are about 1 1'/ inches below the kneecap. Yours seem to be somewhat lower. I think you have enough turn down on your hose to bring the tops up. I have picked a point on my shin that I start the turn down of the hose and then I check to make sure that the tops are equal on the left and right leg before I stand up.

    Otherwise, kilt on and keep the pictures coming!



  6. #16
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    I think your outfit looks just fine. My only critique would be to try out some other hose colors. There are a lot of colors that would look great with that tartan and add more interest than the simple ecru hose you are wearing. Lovat blue is a definite good color!

    However, about the kilt itself, it is obvious that it does not fit. Your post about loosing 50 lbs recently explains that (I was wondering if it came that way from the maker). I would definitely suggest having the kilt altered to fit your new size. With a well fitting kilt, you'd look smashing!

  7. #17
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    RayMc, love the tartan, I echo other posters comments on other hose selections. From your photo it appears that your kilt is pleated to the stripe/no stripe, would it be possible to post a photo of the rear of your kilt?

    BTW Congratulations on the weight loss.
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  8. #18
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    I'd love to see mustard hose and red flashes or garter ties with Chattan. I love that tartan quite a bit.
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  9. #19
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    Appreciate all the replies ( a virtiual avalanche !!) Will try & post some photos of the pleats, etc. Don't have much $$$. Trying to hold on to the house just now!! Do have some Lovat green hose which I thought worked ok. Am surprised by the Blue comment? But am glad to hear I have lots of colors from which to choose. If anyone is curious as to just what Clan Chattan is, I would be more than happy to enlighten...

  10. #20
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    Re: Critique, if you please...

    hoooooooooo, McHatton, I almost didn't recognise you! Congratulations; fine effort but, of course, your huge weight loss has caused your kilt to stretch and you really need to have that attended to when you can, or ask on here because there are ways you can make some adjustments yourself. Other things you can do cost-free too, as has been suggested. One more: stand up straight and look down at yourself. That dominant sett should be right in line with your toes. It's twisted way off to your right in these pics.

    Last edited by ThistleDown; 15th January 12 at 08:03 PM.

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