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  1. #21
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    I can understand where Alan is coming from, as during my formative years we were not well off and my parents were always in debt, but still put out an allowance of $5 every two weeks to each of us, with the usual grass cutting, snow shoveling, leaf raking and other around the house duties stings attached (I cooked dinners for my family M-F for 5 years from age 9). We rarely had two nickles to rub together, so we really appreciated and made best use of each item of clothing we got, while simultaneously making sure we got what we would wear and what would wear best and longest. College no better---worked two jobs and two other volunteer positions while graduating early and getting into medschool a year early to save that extra one year of college costs, then continued working through med school as much as was feasible to minimize the financial impact on my parents. All the while wearing nothing but jeans and a cotton poncho, maybe two pairs of shoes in the closet---hell I moved 7 times in 4 years, each time in a 1977 Chevette (including mattress and other furniture) as a makeshift moving van. Spent a lot of years carrying around $1-2 in quarters for several weeks at a time holding onto it (despite having strong desires to spend it on beer) knowing I needed it for doing laundry, what little I had but still had to keep clean. So I have known the thrifty side of life by necessity. And it has bred a mixture of that thrift into my current daily life where things are not so economically distressed as in the old days---I do make a decent living, drive a nice car, and have nice clothes (many of which I actually need for work).

    But I am the first guy to do weeks of research on how to get the best price on an item I deem I want or need, waiting for special sales, using loyalty points, shopping used and ebay, etc... but always looking for quality, not just something that will do. Unlike Alan, however, I do not hate to spend money on clothes, as I look at them both as a necessity of life and also as a way of expressing an individualistic desire to be unique, while still "fitting in" to at least the margins of social norms. I too embrace spending time, effort and monies "doing" rather than just existing, and agree that the experiences of life, the "living" of life, are what we end up with in memories and as our legacy of the life lived. But then again, there is no reason you cannot live that life with style, especially if it is within your means. My 2008 trip to Edinburgh and parts of the highlands was great even if too short, but was made even more memorable by doing it nearly all kilted. Same with my 2009 Scotland Golf Odyssey, memorable but even moreso for having done it all (save that despicable place whose name we will not mention) kilted and in style (or at least most folk think so). Not to mention all the other nice events I have attended and wonderful people I have met because of my willingness to spend a bit more on not just events and activities but the appropriate apparel to make those activities even more enjoyable and memorable. Also makes for great photos to jar the memories in years to come.

    As to thrift, I will admit that my most expensive kilt is a handmade by a famous kiltmaker that in total cost me only a smidgen over $500, with all the rest of my kilts coming in at between $275 and $400 a piece. Jackets and waistcoats numbering 6 sets, each less than $325 each and one at $100, all new, perfect rack fits or M2M, and good solid constuction and materials. Same thrify eye in purchase of two fox mask sporrans for unbelievable prices, along with several other timely sporran purchases among all the rest of the kit, always with an eye for a less expensive way of achieving the same quality goal. But you do have to spend money, else you have little or none except what you yourself make or barter services for.

    So I don't hate spending money on clothes, as Alan has expressed, although I do hate spending too much for those clothes I do by, and that is okay too. Different strokes for different .....uhhh...golf clubs.
    Well said, Jeff! Thank you for sharing your perspective, it is much appreciated.

    Best wishes,

  2. #22
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    we each need to make decisions about how to spend our money and what details are important to us." That, I believe is the bottom line.
    Quite right. Personally, I consider clothing to be disposable. I've had too many nice jackets, shoes, etc. ruined by tears, stains, gouges, moths, dogs, and so on over the years. My oldest article of clothing (not counting a very old kilt) is my Levi's denim jacket which is 25ish years old and definitely shows it's age. I also have a pair of expensive shoes that I wore exactly one time. Then a dog bite ruined them.

    I would love nothing more right now than a nice wool, custom fitted Argyle. And if I had one, I would probably be afraid to wear it for fear of ruining it somehow, as I am prone to do.

    So I look for the most inexpensive clothing I can find that still meets my own personal acceptable level of quality.

  3. #23
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    Perspective - where you stand dictates what you see.

    When I was a child, we were poor. My father abandoned us when I was six years of age and my mother struggled on feeding and clothing us. My one abiding memory of childhood is hunger.

    My clothes were always clean, but they were never new - well certainly not to me. Last years fashion, slightly worn, slightly too small, all broken-in for me.

    My first new-to-me shirt was the one I was issued with when I joined the RAF. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I was. The shirt was as stiff as cardboard. The detached collar was like having a ring of razor blades round your neck. The "Hairy Mary" uniform battledress blouse and trousers were made from the same material as horse-blankets. The socks were wool. The boots were all leather, solid and unyielding. My beret looked like a helicopter launching pad. It was my first day in the RAF - two weeks before Christmas.

    It was bitterly cold, but I had an inner warmth. We marched around the parade ground for two hours at a time. Eight hours that first day. I loved it, because I knew that I looked fantastic. I was wearing new cloths and in between marching they fed me as well. Life could not get any better.

    The world turns, day becomes night, the seasons change and we all become older.

    Now a days, I go to at least two white tie events every year. Black tie events every month.

    Do I enjoy dressing up? Yes, without any doubt. Is my enjoyment of the event enhanced by my wearing the right cloths for the occasion? Again yes - no question.

    Are they just clothes? No - they are part of the experience, part of the event, part of the occasion.

    Perspective - where you stand dictates what you see.



  4. #24
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mickey View Post
    My oldest article of clothing (not counting a very old kilt) is my Levi's denim jacket which is 25ish years old and definitely shows it's age.
    Amazing as it may be, Mickey I am jealous of you, as the only thing I have and can wear from 25ish years ago is my smile. You've obviously kept yourself in good shape. Well done.

  5. #25
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    My wife will spends hours rummaging through the clearance racks to buy clothes that are "Half off" or whatever. She doesn't even appreciate it when I tell her that the original price wasn't the real price, only the mark down starting point, so that she actually paid the real price of the garment.

    My wisdom often goes unappreciated.

    Now when I buy real clothes--suits, sports coats, dress shirts, ties, kilts, etc.--I spend a lot more than she does per item. I do my research--usually--and find the best price available at the time, much like Jeff. But I don't buy cheap. As a result, I am still wearing clothes I purchased years ago, so as much as 15 or so years ago. I have shoes older than many of the posters here on Xmarks. On pair, cordovan penny loafers, I bought when my daughter was about 12; she's 31 now, almost 32!

    My wife's clothes don't last like mine, but I think she wouldn't want them to anyway. She rushes out to buy a new outfit everytime we have an event, and, quite frankly, I rather enjoy watching her try on new stuff and model it for me. Woohoo.

    The point is, of course, that everyone has their priorities, as mentioned above. Not being particularly hadnsome to begin with, I need all the help I can get in trying to look my best, and my grandfather taught me early on to buy good clothes. You can get a servicable suit at Walmart, but it's not like a Brooks Brothers in any way.

    I like Brooks Brothers.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
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  6. #26
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    I think I just hate spending money -- period. However, I do enjoy playing the game of finding things of high quality at a great value. The problem is, even then our desires/activities change over time and then you're stuck with what to do with all the stuff you are no longer using/interested in. Mostly I just try to find people to give it to -- or pass it on to them at a great value as well. In the end, we aren't taking any of it with us anyway!

  7. #27
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    Perspective - where you stand dictates what you see.

    When I was a child, we were poor. My father abandoned us when I was six years of age and my mother struggled on feeding and clothing us. My one abiding memory of childhood is hunger.

    My clothes were always clean, but they were never new - well certainly not to me. Last years fashion, slightly worn, slightly too small, all broken-in for me.

    My first new-to-me shirt was the one I was issued with when I joined the RAF. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I was. The shirt was as stiff as cardboard. The detached collar was like having a ring of razor blades round your neck. The "Hairy Mary" uniform battledress blouse and trousers were made from the same material as horse-blankets. The socks were wool. The boots were all leather, solid and unyielding. My beret looked like a helicopter launching pad. It was my first day in the RAF - two weeks before Christmas.

    It was bitterly cold, but I had an inner warmth. We marched around the parade ground for two hours at a time. Eight hours that first day. I loved it, because I knew that I looked fantastic. I was wearing new cloths and in between marching they fed me as well. Life could not get any better.

    The world turns, day becomes night, the seasons change and we all become older.

    Now a days, I go to at least two white tie events every year. Black tie events every month.

    Do I enjoy dressing up? Yes, without any doubt. Is my enjoyment of the event enhanced by my wearing the right cloths for the occasion? Again yes - no question.

    Are they just clothes? No - they are part of the experience, part of the event, part of the occasion.

    Perspective - where you stand dictates what you see.


    Wow Chas, very moving response indeed.

    Thank you for sharing your perspective and story with us. I've known this for quite some time, but I have never said it publicly on the forum, you are a good man, and it definitely shows through your words. I especially love your comment, "Are they just clothes? No - they are part of the experience, part of the event, part of the occasion."

    I have never though of Highland attire as 'just clothes,' nor will I ever. Yes, the items we wear are made of wool, silk, nylon, leather, cotton, fur, silver, pewter, gold, grosgrain, staghorn, wood, velvet, etc. However, to me, and I am sure to many of you out there, wearing Highland dress is not like wearing your favourite pair of jeans with your favourite Oxford shirt, it just isn't.

    Now, I certainly don't feel like a super hero when I am wearing Highland attire, but I do feel different, different in a good way. I feel extremely 'grounded' and connected to a deeper part of myself, my family, my clan, and the country (Scottish Highlands) from whence my ancestors came. Yes, the preceding statement has probably been said many times before by others and could be considered a cliche, but to me, and to members of my family and clan, it is most certainly not.

    To quote Chas, "Perspective - where you stand dictates what you see."

    Yours aye,
    Last edited by creagdhubh; 2nd February 12 at 09:46 AM.

  8. #28
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    My wife will spends hours rummaging through the clearance racks to buy clothes that are "Half off" or whatever. She doesn't even appreciate it when I tell her that the original price wasn't the real price, only the mark down starting point, so that she actually paid the real price of the garment.

    My wisdom often goes unappreciated.

    Now when I buy real clothes--suits, sports coats, dress shirts, ties, kilts, etc.--I spend a lot more than she does per item. I do my research--usually--and find the best price available at the time, much like Jeff. But I don't buy cheap. As a result, I am still wearing clothes I purchased years ago, so as much as 15 or so years ago. I have shoes older than many of the posters here on Xmarks. On pair, cordovan penny loafers, I bought when my daughter was about 12; she's 31 now, almost 32!

    My wife's clothes don't last like mine, but I think she wouldn't want them to anyway. She rushes out to buy a new outfit everytime we have an event, and, quite frankly, I rather enjoy watching her try on new stuff and model it for me. Woohoo.

    The point is, of course, that everyone has their priorities, as mentioned above. Not being particularly hadnsome to begin with, I need all the help I can get in trying to look my best, and my grandfather taught me early on to buy good clothes. You can get a servicable suit at Walmart, but it's not like a Brooks Brothers in any way.

    I like Brooks Brothers.
    Well stated mate, and funny too! I especially like your final comment.


  9. #29
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    I hate spending money on clothes too. Actually, I just hate spending money, mostly because I have so little of it. My modus operandi is to get the best I can for the lowest possible price, within a student budget...

    Where I disagree with Alan, is that clothes are "just" clothes and somehow not important. Clothes are a necessity, sure, but also a rather important social "tool." That is to say, they are useful for more than just protecting us from the elements.

    There are wonderful experiences that cannot be had without the right clothing. For example, most restaurants that I've been to have an unwritten -- though sometimes even written -- "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy. OK, but any shirt and shoes will do, you say? My black tie kilt outfit recently got me into one of Hong Kong's fanciest clubs for a Burns Night, which turned out to be a very memorable event. In that case, I would have been denied entry to the building without the right clothes.

    If I was as good as Alan at destroying clothes though, I'd probably put less importance on them too
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  10. #30
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    Re: I HATE sending money on clothes

    I hear you Alan, loud and clear. After spilling lunch on a brand new vneck sweater and staining it permanently, as well as shrinking out of my entire wardrobe, I'm now looking at the prospect of buying a whole new wardrobe (including my kilts). On top of that, for a GOS I have an athletic build, broad hips, huge chest/back, and much smaller waist... so resale isn't easy.

    I think I will have to deal with Walmart chic up until I get to my final weight. Last time I bought new clothes it set me back a g-note. At least my tailor can size down my Brooks Brothers tattersall shirts.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

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