20th May 04, 11:50 PM
 Originally Posted by Alaskan
If a trouser-wearing-wanna-be-an-alpha-male was trying to have fun at my expense I would ask him "Are you sure you want to pick a fight with me? I don't even have to win... you look bad if I hold my own."
What I do if a "trouser-wearing-wanna-be-an-alpha-male" is try to have a go at me is, tell him politely but firmly so everyone can hear,"I am very sorry but I am not interested in men the way you are. Although I am flattered, I will have to ask you to flirt with someone else. You are interupting all the attention I was getting from the ladies.". At that point his chances of being an Alpha Male pretty much get flushed down the toilet, along with his pride. I also think the 6'7" height that I have might play a small part!
21st May 04, 04:50 AM
alpha males
When an "Aplha Male" confronts me with harsh words about wearing a kilt (calling it a skirt), I simply say to him:
"How are you going to tell your friends you got your *** BEAT by a guy in a skirt?!"
That usually confuses them or makes them laugh and realize what idiots they are being.
21st May 04, 07:22 AM
I've never had any confrontations. I guess they figure if I've got the guts to wear a kilt in public I must be a pretty bad hombre and best left alone.
21st May 04, 07:48 AM
I too have not had any confrontations. Although I thought that there might be a time or two. But the smile of confidence and the look straight in the eye seems to have defused the situation.
21st May 04, 07:50 AM
I agree with you Bubba I have not had any confrontations except from someone who is so drunk that just looking at them knocks them flat.
I did have some 14 or 15 year old boy who was half my size tell me I was dressed funny and he was going to lay me flat, I'm 6'2" 200 lbs and this 100 lb kid about 5'4" who had his pants hung low with his boxers hanging out, was going to lay me flat, not likely!
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
21st May 04, 07:53 AM
You out did the kid.
21st May 04, 07:57 AM
By just looking him down Casey, I laid him flat even though that was not my intention.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
21st May 04, 08:00 AM
Anyone who dares take a run at a man in a kilt is a fool.
They can't win.
21st May 04, 08:30 AM
The idiots that are looking for a fight usually don't know how to fight. Those of us who were really trained to fight don't go looking for one. In all the time since I regained my civilian status I've only had one time, years back, when I couldn't walk away. It lasted less than 30 seconds and that bunch never bothered me again. I really can't say I've even come close since. My tactic is let em run off at the mouth all they want. They get bored with no response and move on.
21st May 04, 09:09 AM
It's kind of funny but I was walking down the street a couple of hours later (I was downtown) after having dinner with some friends. The kid was walking toward us saw me and immediately went to the other side of the street, I waved then he started to run. I meant him no harm, just trying to let him know that I was cool with him. I guess that makes me the alpha male.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
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