How would you dress if you weren't wearing a kilt? Dress like that, only with your kilt instead of trousers, and don't worry about matching. No one in Scotland worries about matching their shirt to their kilt. Except, possibly, tourists.
So, it's been a while since I last posted here. I was a bit too busy to go gallivanting on the webs.
Just following up on my own thread:
I promised pictures, but that's kinda problematic.
At any rate, the whole ensemble was fairly well received. About half thought it looked great, well matched etc etc. A little less than half'd rather seen I ditched the waistcoat and maybe not wear a bright shirt like I did. The remaining folks would have rather seen me in trousers. ;) Their loss!
So, hey. Once again, thanks for the advice. And next time I'll try to remember to just wear what I normally wear, instead of (not really) freaking out about matching.