Well done. Your a braver man than me. I hated being differnt when I was at school and college. I allways wanted to blend in. Now I'm more mature I don't care and its GREAT
But for all these great powers, he's wishful, like me
To be back where the dark Mourne sweeps down to the sea.
Ya, that sounds just about the same as what my first time in school was like. My personal favourite reactions are the people you meet in the hall who don't quite know what to make of it, so they pretend that there's nothing out of the ordinary - until of course they get beside you where they think you can't see them anymore, then they take one hulluva look and make some little comment to their friends in hushed little tones. When this happens, I just can't help but break out into a huge smile and laugh to myself. People are just so strange when you're a stranger...(okay that's enough Doors for the moment ) It's just so much fun to watch people sometimes.
One bit of advice from one Kilted High Schooler to another: Be prepared for the occasional lift. So far it's only been a couple of friends of mine who have done it, but it can get a bit dicey if it happens to be a Regimental day, if you get my meaning.
And from my experience, Drama people seem particularly receptive to kilts, just because they're some of the coolest people on the Earth 8)
Hey Brodi! Definitely agree with the drama group comment, and the musicians as well at my school. My teachers were actually the only ones to give me odd looks to my face... Oh, and I wore it again Thursday, so that makes two outings to school wiht it.