Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
...one lawyer was in wrinkled jeans and polo shirt! Guy looked like he was going to ask for spare change any minute. I'd have thrown him out myself!

I assure you that a kilt would be a big improvement for some folks.
I was in court several years ago to deal with a traffic ticket. The assistant DA was in jeans, t-shirt, and sandals! I was dressed in blazer, white shirt, tie and slacks. I was very tempted to ask why he had such disrespect for the court. About a year or two later, I went in for jury duty. The same ADA was wearing a very similar outfit. The defense attorney on the other hand (she was female) was dressed in a very sharp blouse and calf length skirt. Now, I like to dress casually myself and do so in a lot of situations that some folks wouldn't. To my mind however, court is a place that calls for every bit of formality that one is capable of. Had I made that jury, I am certain that the words of the defense attorney would have carried a bit more weight to my ears, simply because of her appearance of respect in how she chose to dress for court.