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  1. #41
    Join Date
    3rd August 05
    Bucks County, PA
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    From a woman's perspective...

    When the huz wears the kilt, a LOT of the people who are too shy, scared, or generally unwilling to broach the subject with my husband come to me to ask me questions or discuss what they like or don't like. I don't mind this at all, but then I'm a big fan and have the answers, plus a pretty tough skin. I'll reiterate the point, though- he's getting some questions, but I'm the one who's slightly removed, more approachable (if they're scared of a kilt in the first place) and to be honest, I'm more the talker in our couple anyway. So it's not just you involved in something like this.

    A lot of the guys are saying, "Well, it's your decision what to wear!" And that's true. But I do ask you guys to consider that a husband and wife (or long-term partners) are seen, to some extent, as a unit. And if half of that unit does something completely new and different with no warning, it throws the entire system out of whack. If I show up at the office party with no hair but a bright pink shock on my forehead, sure as shootin' my husband's co-workers would be asking him questions, even if that is the latest fashion on the runways or totally traditional for the Tank Girl Clan. I'm putting him in the position of explaining why I chose to do something. (he can do so or not, but you see my point, I hope.)

    That being said, please, wear your kilts, let 'em fly, have an awesome time and keep on collecting. Just remember- it's nice when you ask us for support and don't put us, as part of the couple, on 'display' with no warning.

    I promise, the more you wear the kilt and people in general get used to it, the less it will seem like a display. But the first time is not the time to surprise your mate. Save that for a year or two down the road and you've bought a flag kilt to wear to the local Irish festival.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    It would not surprise me that the problem was the surprise more than the kilt. If a woman comes out dressed for a party with a new hair style (that you think is funny looking), a dress in a style that accents her measurement (not the good ones) in a color that makes her look sick, wearing a perfume that makes your eyes water, as a husband you are to say “My daring you look fantastic tonight”. It is the woman’s right to do what she wants and it is the man’s right to do what she wants. It is not fair, but that’s life.

    Say you are sorry for surprising her, DO NOT say you are sorry for wearing a kilt.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Shay, you are absolutely right. We are a unit and this was part of her point in our debrief. Her concern may have been the shock but she focused on how she would be treated when her husband looked like he did. The next day she said to wear it when I'm not with her and certainly not at one of her work functions, but I suspect this will soften as she learns to live with it. Also, she remarked that several people had come up to her and asked about it, including comments that were not supportive, but the context leaves nuances and meanings of the comments in question.

    Thanks for reminding us of our from your own, unique perspective.

    Balls, said the queen, if I'd two I'd be king.

    Cheers, Chris

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    When I bought my first kilt, I did not have all the accessories to wear with it. One evening, she asked me If I was going to wear the kilt tonight. Then she handed me a masonic kilt pin and hose. So, I guess it was ok with her. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the fray, and remember...

    It's much better to be able to title the thread "First Kilt and the Wife" as opposed to "Kilt and the First Wife"

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    No tmuch to add...patience and communication and a bit of compromise go a long way. Note that I said a bit of compromise...that's not the same thing as caving in to every demand.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    On The Long Road
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    A warm welcome to ya Kilted Christian. Sixteen years isn't neary enough time to learn and know everything there is possible to learn and know about another person. Keep on growin'.

    Ah ten HUT

    Kilt.... .ON
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    What's the saying? (hear this in song with a Scot's accent) Ah, women's faults are many, we men have only two: every single thing we say and everything we do.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Tell your wife that men like Samuel L. Jackson, Vin Diesel and Tracy McGrady proudly wear kilts. Why shouldn't you?

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