Watching Batman Begins i had a great idea for a kilt outfit. It would consist of : 1 Black Original Utilikilt (Batman has his Utilitly Belt) 1 Batman belt buckle 1 Batman t-shirt, black and there you are! The Kilted Dark Knight!
Different strokes... That's the beauty of the "rabble." I say go for it.
No cape ? CT - Shirley ewe jest
Don't forget the bat mobile. The very most important Batman accessory!
If you dyed your hair black and wore eyeliner, you could go as "BATMAN EMO"
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" -Koloth
no cape. no batmobile. no emo-makeup.
How about a black Inverness Cape?
[B]Paul Murray[/B] Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
i'm a little too short for a cape.
Well . . . I have a Batman figure (about a foot tall) wearing a belted plaid . . . I don't see any problem with it. I'd STILL use a utility belt (with a Batman belt buckle), covered in pockets.
Somebody do it and post pics!
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