26th April 08, 09:27 AM
 Originally Posted by Baysideboy
A few blocks later, a guy says, "Great kilt!" I smiled, said "Thanks." We chatted, one thing led to another, and I finally walked the last few blocks home early the next morning...
That is my idea of taking the high road....you were rewarded for your good sense...The idiots reward.....waking up alone....HO
26th April 08, 07:20 PM
I actually had this happen today. I was walking through the theatre district on my way to the subway when I passed by a group of high school kids waiting to go into see Phantom of the Opera. One of the guys thought he was being cool rather than the *** he was and said, "Nice skirt, dude."
For some reason, I stopped and blurted out, "Now that's really original. Haven't heard that one before. Wow. Let me just go home, put my head under the pillows and cry my eyes out in shame."
Generally I just ignore the comments since they are few and far between but there was just something in the tone of his voice that made me respond. The best I have ever experienced was beign on the subway going to work and I had my headphones on. We pulled into 42nd Street and I could hear someone laughing a we waited to pull out. I turned around and there was a young girl standing on the platform, pointing at me and laughing. I just turned and gave her a look that said, "And what exactly is so funny." When she turned back and caught me looking at her she went from laughing to dead silence...
28th April 08, 07:13 AM
I think I got my first negative remark this past weekend. I went into a Post Office early in the morning and was the youngest person in there. Well, this old man I think decided to give me a hard time. I will admit, I was getting some odd looks, but nothing disrespectful. Anyway, this old man who was leaving as I was entering says loudly "Hey! Nice Skirt!" Now, I was in my kilt with a Scottish Pride T shirt on. I glanced back as I removed my glasses and said "Thanks!" with a big smile, and then said "...and it's a Kilt!" with a smirk and a wink. He kinda smiled and then said "Yep."
The next part I didn't hear, but I think he said something like "it's a little late for St. Pattie's Day.." or something. I remember hearing "St. Pattie's day", but that was it. By then we had passed each other and I was already walking into the main area.
I just blew it off and laughed at him. I get a lot more compliments than insults.
28th April 08, 07:22 AM
 Originally Posted by osric the pale
In the S.C.A. we call it "freaking the mundanes" and it's between a sport and an art form. When you go in a group to a steakhouse with say, a moor, coupela pirates and five or six buxom ladies in wench finery, the stares are legendary.
I used to be a member of a LARP group (Live Action Role Playing), and we did that sort of thing all the time. After an event, we all headed out in full costume to eat somewhere and the looks we got from the people were great.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
5th May 08, 07:30 AM
Funny story...
I was at school the other day, kilted of course, when I saw this girl who was dressed absurdly. She was wearing lime green tights, a lime green sweatshirt that was a few sizes too small, and UGG boots. I thought to myself "she looks like a super hero!" Then I thought, "well, i'm wearing a skirt (haha) so I shouldn't be so judgemental." She walked by me and said "hahaha! nice skirt!" to which I responded "You look like a superhero!" I admit that I failed to take the high road, but the look on her face was priceless!
Si Je Puis
Kirkpatrick of Clan Colquhoun
5th May 08, 01:15 PM
 Originally Posted by osric the pale
You should see some of the stares an albino gets in the middle of NASCAR country...espcecially when wearing french ren, viking garb , or Roman centurian gear at the wal-mart!
In the S.C.A. we call it "freaking the mundanes" and it's between a sport and an art form. When you go in a group to a steakhouse with say, a moor, coupela pirates and five or six buxom ladies in wench finery, the stares are legendary.
#1 Response: "Are you in a play"?
#2 Response: "Is the Ren Faire in town"?
Most folks are just curious, but sometimes it does get tiring when all I want to do is buy my stuff and get out without having to explain why I'm wearing "funny clothes"!
I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself from commenting if I were in your kilt...er, shoes either! With your description, I can just visualize what that gal must have looked like!!
5th May 08, 04:42 PM
 Originally Posted by josephkirkpatrick
Funny story...
I was at school the other day, kilted of course, when I saw this girl who was dressed absurdly. She was wearing lime green tights, a lime green sweatshirt that was a few sizes too small, and UGG boots. I thought to myself "she looks like a super hero!" Then I thought, "well, i'm wearing a skirt (haha) so I shouldn't be so judgemental." She walked by me and said "hahaha! nice skirt!" to which I responded "You look like a superhero!" I admit that I failed to take the high road, but the look on her face was priceless!

I know! I saw the same thing back at high school. Some of the things those kids wear… it was all I could do not to collapse laughing.
5th May 08, 07:56 PM
I've always liked the old term
"It's called a kilt because that's what happened to the last guy who called it a skirt..."
The times I have used this saying has either resulted in uproarious laughter, or the person simply shutting up and changing the subject......
Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick
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