12th November 08, 03:45 PM
from Charlotte, NC
12th November 08, 04:27 PM
from "Karst Kountry" . . beautiful Central Kentucky, USA
12th November 08, 05:12 PM
Welcome to the rabble from West Texas.
A kilted Celt on the border.
Kentoc'h mervel eget bezañ saotret
Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ægerrume desinere.
12th November 08, 05:24 PM
Welcome from Northern California!
The Utilikilt is a good sitting kilt. The narrow apron falls naturally between the legs.
Last edited by GDub; 12th November 08 at 09:10 PM.
Reason: grammar 'r us
12th November 08, 05:34 PM
go with natural, not man-made fiber...
Originally Posted by ezkilt
I like it airy, on the other hand, I want to sit down in a restaurant / cafe and keep my legs apart.
What 's the kilt look like ? Picures somewhere ?
Design patterns, templates.
Materials for tropical climates.
For a kilt in a hot climate, I'd strongly recommend a modern styled kilt in hemp and/or cotton material. I speak from experience having enjoyed the kilt's natural air-conditioning for the last 5 Summers in one of the hottest metropolitan climates in North America - Phoenix, Arizona.
16-oz wool makes for a great looking kilt, but when it's startin' to sizzle at over 100ºF / 37.8ºC (which it regularly does here for more than a third of the year), I find wool (13-oz or 16-oz) just too hot for comfort.
As for a kilt that'll easily cover you when you sit in a manly manner with your legs apart, I find that my Utilikilts do that effortlessly because they were designed to do that. As Pleator mentioned, you want "A narrowish apron with deep under apron pleats - as you sit down the aprons stay vertical." That's pretty much what Utilikilts have done - a narrower (than traditional) apron with multiple, narrow under-apron pleats.
Basically, I find Utilikilts to be the jeans of the kilt world - wash-and-wear, comfortable, rugged, practical & comparably more affordable than a traditional kilt. (Their entry level kilt, the Original, would fall on the lower end of the price of a pair of fashion/designer jeans.) Check-out their website for plenty of pics & info (& be sure to watch some of the mock-u-mercials).
Anyway, that's my advice & welcome to the freedom!
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society
12th November 08, 07:17 PM
Ceud Mile Failte
Matty ROSS
I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS
12th November 08, 07:50 PM
12th November 08, 09:25 PM
Hello and a warm Celtic from Boston, Massachusetts. When sitting down in a kilt the ideal is to be able to sweep the pleats and tuck the aprons in one motion. It takes a little practice at first, then it becomes so natural a motion that I do it with shorts or trousers on without even thinking. I believe our one and only Hamish did a video on the subject in one of his 92 kilts. I learned how to wear the kilt some forty-five or so years ago, so it is natural for me. I did get a little razzing for sweeping my gym shorts a few times in high school, then the razzer married into a Scot family
Enjoy the rabble. The search engine can lead to many threads on your way to kilting happily.
13th November 08, 05:40 PM
Welcome to the rabble from central Maryland!
As you sit, make sure there is enough slack in the aprons so that the weight of your sporran will make them settle onto the seat between your legs. Not a problem.
"No man is genuinely happy, married, who has to drink worse whiskey than he used to drink when he was single." ---- H. L. Mencken
15th November 08, 10:25 AM
from WV!
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