1st June 09, 08:47 AM
Chicks dig scars.
And also, I think pale skin is beautiful. I gave up on tanning years ago, and now I do everything I can to preserve my pale skin because I want to look nice when I'm eighty.
Last edited by ali8780; 1st June 09 at 01:02 PM.
Reason: brain malfunction
1st June 09, 09:12 AM
Last edited by Lady M; 13th July 09 at 04:05 PM.
1st June 09, 10:15 AM
I usually bath in spf 1 million (as my wife says), Because I burn fast and bad. Even all my attempts to "tan" when I was younger never were successful, so I gave up on it a long time ago. Last Friday I took my daughter to the pool for the day, and it was overcast and I didn't put anything on- YIKES! I'm hurtin real bad! My wife laughed, and said have you lost your mind, you know you're vampire white and burn up in the day light- besides I hope everyone had sunglasses to keep themselves from being blinded by you! LOL!
My whiteness is my curse, shouldn't be everyone else's too, I don't care how in shape I am, I'm have to keep the shirts on! Hahahaha! But will support those who dare to bare!
1st June 09, 10:23 AM
I sport continental- sized Farmer John tan lines. I also have memories of two sunburns on my back that when they started healing and itching, the sensations were so awful that I couldn't sleep for two nights and I spent one of those nights with a washcloth clenched between my teeth.
It's rare when my shirt comes off.
1st June 09, 10:53 AM
On weekends, I'm very often kilted without a shirt on. And being that I have a pool that I'm outside in 4-5 days a week, I'm pretty tanned too. I also have a few tattoos as well. Nothing wrong with it. I might post a pic sometime this week - maybe tomorrow since it's my day off and the sun will be out.
I don't go out in public without a shirt though mainly because "No shirt, No shoes, No Service"....
1st June 09, 01:31 PM
 Originally Posted by ali8780
Chicks dig scars.
Heh. I've got a few. None from surgery, though. Mostly from a life lived kinda fast.
 Originally Posted by ali8780
I gave up on tanning years ago
I tend to spend a LOT of time outside in the summer. I've learned that wearing a long-sleeve, relatively light denim shirt keeps me much cooler than either a T or going without a shirt. When I work, I work hard -- and of course that means I sweat a lot. I much prefer to live in the dry biozones, because the sweat then evaporates from the cloth covering most of my skin and keeps me even cooler.
Other reasons are: I DO have tattoos, and sun fades ink as well as aging skin; and cancer runs in my family so protecting myself may put me in a lower-risk population.
I'm not offended by skin no matter what shape it's wrapped around, but I prefer to keep mine covered when the sun is above the yardarm.
Dr. Charles A. Hays
The Kilted Perfesser
Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern
1st June 09, 01:36 PM
Nice to meet a man not afraid of hard work. COme on down to STL I think we are a dying breed!
1st June 09, 02:59 PM
shirt please
It's a felony for me to be shirtless. I played King Herod once in a college presentation of JSS and I almost had to get blasted outta my mind once dress rehersals started. Never was entirely comfortable.
1st June 09, 04:18 PM
I think it's inviting skin cancer. The latest watchword is cover up and protect.
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
1st June 09, 04:34 PM
Ron I accepted your challenge, so here I am....
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