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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    At one time there was a direct statement on the Lyon Court home page (under their "clans & tartans" subheading) that while the Lyon Court would record a chief's tartan if requested, that the Lord Lyon had no direct authority over tartan and it referred tartan enquiries to the Scottish Tartans Authority.

    However, I just looked and I no longer see that statement. I think the entire "tartan" section of their web site is under review now that the National Register has been established.

    If it will help, there is an excerpt from the book District Tartans by Teall & Smith, on the Scottish Tartans Authority web site, that deals with the Lord Lyon and tartans.

    I've also dealt with the subject in one of my Scottish Banner articles, archived here:http://albanach.org/tartans_heraldry.htm [Bolding added]
    Matt's article is a must read.

  2. #12
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    I have long advocated that this sub-forum should be split into two separate forums. There might be some heraldry attached to a particular tartan and there might be a tartan associated with a particular coat of arms, but it is all 'if, but and maybe'.

    We might as well have kilt pins and fly plaids in one forum. In the end it would be realised that a kilt pin is not a brooch and a fly plaid is not a kilt and like tartans and heraldry, have nothing in common.



    I'm not so sure I agree, Chas. Both tartans and heraldry can be symbols of a certain clan -- in fact, I would daresay that more people are apt to recognise the tartan of a clan over its badge, which of course is the crest of the clan chief in a buckle & strap. So I don't think we can make such a ironclad pronouncement that they have nothing in common, when in fact both tartans and heraldry (in the form of the clansman's badge) have come to symbolize the wearer's belonging to a certain clan.

    Also, back in 2005, when this particular forum was created, we simply did not have the many students of heraldry as members that we do now. Given that the primary purpose of this forum is related to Highland attire, especially kilts, the connection between clan heraldry and tartans was made. You are free to disagree with that decision of course.


  3. #13
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    I do not wish to hijack the thread any further, Todd, but I do disagree.



  4. #14
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    I do not wish to hijack the thread any further, Todd, but I do disagree.


    Then respectfully, Chas -- why don't you submit as a suggestion to Steve and the Mods? I honestly don't have, as they in the Ozarks, "a dog in the hunt" here. I see your point -- all I was offering was an explanation as to why the forum was originally set up the way it was -- I don't believe you were a member then, so hence my reasons for explaining.


  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Matt's article is a must read.
    ALL of Matt's articles are a must read.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

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