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  1. #11
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    Grand advice that hasnt fell upon deaf ears. Thanx for the input. How does the cilt actually stay up?? It looks like the belt isnt tight enough to hold it in place. Is there some secret under cilt magic??

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Montgomery Village, Maryland, near Washington, District of Columbia
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    Quote Originally Posted by weeknee View Post
    Grand advice that hasnt fell upon deaf ears. Thanx for the input. How does the cilt actually stay up?? It looks like the belt isnt tight enough to hold it in place. Is there some secret under cilt magic??
    Well, yes actually, at least my Lady thinks what's under the kilt is magic!

    But seriously, with p@nts, the belt holds up the p@nts. Because of the construction of the kilt, the belt loops are there so the kilt can hold up the belt!

    Geoff Withnell
    Geoff Withnell

    "My comrades, they did never yield, for courage knows no bounds."
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by weeknee View Post
    Grand advice that hasnt fell upon deaf ears. Thanx for the input. How does the cilt actually stay up?? It looks like the belt isnt tight enough to hold it in place. Is there some secret under cilt magic??
    Ideally, on a normally-proportioned individual, the kilt is worn at the natural waist which is narrower than the hips. So the taper of the kilt, when properly fitted and the buckles properly adjusted, holds it up by itself. The belt is worn mostly for decoration or accoutrements.

    If your body shape doesn't allow for tapering from the hips to the waist, you may indeed need to rely on the belt to help hold your kilt up. You can also use braces (suspenders), although it's not terribly common.

  4. #14
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    *** for wearing it above the navel... in a Gentleman of Substance's case, wear it around the WIDEST PART of your belly (may be 2" or so above the navel).

    One thing no one mentioned is that wearing a kilt above the navel has a SLIMMING EFFECT on bigger guys. It has the cloth drop straight down from the widest part vs. UNDERLINING the belly. If it's a 'proper 8 yard' kilt complete with canvas lining, it can also be cinched a bit to help keep your belly 'tucked in' a bit.

    BTW... GREAT question to ask. We have MANY big guys as our customers and many of them are so used to wearing pants below the belly that they don't know where to wear the kilt.

  5. #15
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    I concur with everyone else, and can only add this. For those of us of a larger size, our bellies are usually such that the natural waist is still there, but sometimes less than the dunlap portion. Which keeps this riding level. I have never had a problem of it staying up as long as it was on above the navel.

    Good luck to you!
    [B]Barnett[/B] (House, no clan) -- Motto [i]Virescit Vulnere Virtus[/i] (Courage Flourishes at a Wound)
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  6. #16
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    I too

    am a M.O.G. (Man Of Girth) and I agree 100% with all the advise that has been given here. I highly recomend the wearing of sporran hangers vs. a sporran strap as it keeps the sporran at a proper height and not drooping down the front. I make and wear the Rob Roy type sporran and I have it loaded with what I used to carry in the pockets of my p@nts, wallet, change pouch, nail clipper, small pocket knife, pen and a planner / date book, cell phone, a tin of mints,and a pill case with daily meds in it.

    I wear mine just under my ribs, being a short (5' 4") person, I find that wearing it high has the effect of making me look a bit slimmer as the kilt hangs stright down, as well as trying to drop some of my excess weight, I started out in a size 50 from SWK, and am now wearing size 46, it all takes time.

    Welcome to the fold, and kilt on!


    Brian Woodyard
    In the lowlands of Maryland
    Fear Colgach Fear Baolach
    A angry Man (is) A dangerous Man

  7. #17
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    Well, I'm a little guy, but from browsing the photos here at X Marks I can heartily say the same as these guys...it looks really good, and upon kilting up, you'll go instantly from "fat guy" to "kilted juggernaut" (Big Mikey's title prior to the format switch, in fact). You can also get away with a wider belt, and a larger sporran, to keep things in proportion. The big dogs around here can get away with stuff that a twig like me simply can't pull off...4" wide belts, with multiple layers, patterns, etc...also take a look at the comparison photos of sporran hangers and sporran straps vs the size of a gentleman's midsection.

    Is there some secret under cilt magic??
    Yes, practice your ululations.

    (ok, ok...!)

    Kilt on,

  8. #18
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    As a garment maker I must agree with all that has been written on this.

    If you have the kilt with a rise above the natural waist, and possibly wear it a little longer than a skinny malinky fellow would, then you'll have it in proportion and at its most flattering.

    It is not the size but the shape and line, and above all the proportions which are perceived.

    The more kilt you appear to be wearing the more it will do for your appearance.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by azwildcat96 View Post
    Fat or skinny, I vote for about 2" above the belly button! Stick with tradition!
    I agree- and I'm a big guy, myself. Pants look bad with a gut overhang, but kilts look outright horrifying!

    I'm a little surprised there have been no pictures posted yet...

    That kilt is 2 inches above my belly button. If I wear the at my belly button, then certain other things don't stay covered when I sit.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    I agree- and I'm a big guy, myself. Pants look bad with a gut overhang, but kilts look outright horrifying!

    I'm a little surprised there have been no pictures posted yet...

    That kilt is 2 inches above my belly button. If I wear the at my belly button, then certain other things don't stay covered when I sit.
    great pic, thanks...Is that a snow blower behind you guys in the pic??

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