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  1. #1
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    Reason most sporrans have a center tassel?

    Horsehair piper sporrans generally have two tassels, I am talking about brown leather daywear.

    On google images the vast majority have either three tassels or none.

    Just curious.

  2. #2
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    I have no idea, but I suspect some one made a day sporran with three tassels and it looked right and the rest followed.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  3. #3
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    Check out this thread, as it should answer many questions:


    ...and keep reading, as there are some good pictures and info throughout. The good part starts around post #20.
    Last edited by Ryan Ross; 1st March 11 at 08:11 AM.

  4. #4
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    Originally, in the pouch-type (aka Rob Roy) sporrans the two side strings cinch up the top and the center string secured the flap, so three are part of the function. That functional style remains as an unnecessary but traditional component in daily-wear (not pipe band or military) sporrans. At least IMHO.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennethrmc View Post
    Originally, in the pouch-type (aka Rob Roy) sporrans the two side strings cinch up the top and the center string secured the flap, so three are part of the function. That functional style remains as an unnecessary but traditional component in daily-wear (not pipe band or military) sporrans. At least IMHO.
    That makes a lot of sense, but there may also a psychological reason, I think. In my martial arts class, I've observed that people think in three's and five's. If I want a new student to move his right arm, all I have to do is tap it two or four times, and he moves it. If I tap it three times, he won't. It's consistent with everyone! I've observed it for several years now. I've never researched it though, so I have nothing but observation to back it up. Just a theory...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  6. #6
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    It might be a hold-over from Victorian fashions and their emphasis on symmetry. It seems like two would be more symmetrical than three, but odd numbers of things look more balanced because there's a central one. Maybe.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    That makes a lot of sense, but there may also a psychological reason, I think. In my martial arts class, I've observed that people think in three's and five's. If I want a new student to move his right arm, all I have to do is tap it two or four times, and he moves it. If I tap it three times, he won't. It's consistent with everyone! I've observed it for several years now. I've never researched it though, so I have nothing but observation to back it up. Just a theory...
    Very interesting!

    Also, I thought I'd go ahead and place the relevant bits from the other thread right here:

    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    ...I thought it was common knowledge that the tassels were, originally, "draw strings" that closed one or more "pockets" inside the sporran's bag. As the use of the sporran evolved from a multi-purpose hold all to a gentleman's purse intended primarily for show, the tassels remained as a decorative feature.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Barry View Post
    Wow, I didn't know that at all. Thanks for the post! Does anybody have any pictures of how they used to work?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    Same way as they do now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    I have seen a surviving historical piece that is in form, including the large belt loop, nearly identical to this one. Sadly, I am unable to find a picture just now. Does anyone else know the one I mean, and if so, can you find a picture? As I recall, it was made out of what looked like undyed deer skin.

    ...at any rate, I did find one portrait that shows a sporran very simmilar to mine, complete with a gathered leather bag and draw strings. We can't see wether it was worn on its own belt or on the belt which held his plaid on, however it looks to me that it must hang from a sporran belt.

    EDIT: I found the one I was thinking of. It's the fourth picture down, on the lefthand side. http://www.picturetrail.com/sfx/album/view/4813605
    And here's another picture of the same sporran:

    ...Lamar got pretty close when he made mine, I'd say.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    Very interesting!

    Also, I thought I'd go ahead and place the relevant bits from the other thread right here:
    Thanks for posting that picture!! I've been told that kind of edge finishing is strictly a Southwestern thing and not correct for 1690's Scotland!

    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    Thanks for posting that picture!! I've been told that kind of edge finishing is strictly a Southwestern thing and not correct for 1690's Scotland!

    Hah! You're very welcome, good sir! I'm glad I could be of some assistance, and it looks like next time someone tells you that such a finish is not historical, you'll be able to set them aright!

  10. #10
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    That edge braiding is actually in a checkerboard pattern. I'd love to know how to do it, it looks fantastic. I'm working my way up to a sporran (literally, starting with "medieval" ghillie shoes first as they require no stitching!) and that type of thing looks to be a relatively low tech way to add ornamentation. Probably much harder than it looks though.

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