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  1. #111
    Join Date
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    The way Steve has the forum set up works pretty well for me right now. I wish there were enough contemporary kilt wearers that cared enough about their kilts and how they wear them, to join the forum and sustain a "Contemporary Kilts" forum. Sadly, there are not. I must admit, I get a little excited whenever I see a new thread in this forum, and I'm slightly disappointed whenever I see that it is not about contemporary kilts. However. Wearing tartan kilts in a contemporary way interests me near as much. My next kilt is likely to be a (PV) tartan. In the mean time, I enjoy reading those threads as well, as much of the same information applies to me. I believe the fact that this forum covers the contemporary style wearing of any kilt is what keeps this forum alive.

    I must admit, I seldom read the "Traditional" forum. While I would love to have a full traditional outfit, complete with a traditional handmade 16oz wool kilt for formal occasions, that is not goin to happen until at least one more child grows up and moves out.

    Have Fun,

  2. #112
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    Hey KCW, Good to see you!

    Public warning, I'm going to violate one of my own rules and post to this thread without reading the preceding 12 pages, so if its all been said before, forgive me this once.

    I think there are plenty of people (including current and former forumites) interested in the discussion of contemporary kilts. One problem, at least in the past, has been that some people just don't like the looks of them, and one gets tired of having to respond that if you don't like them, don't wear them. (Trust me, I have the thread links with poster's stating that Utilikilt wearers are nothing but cross-dressers, to prove it. Remember, the search feature is your friend.)

    I also think that the removal of a sub-forum dedicated to modern kilts like the UK, Alt-kilt, RK etc. as opposed to the modern wearing of kilts eliminated the one clearly designated place to post about this style of kilt, Just my two cents.

    Best regards,


    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  3. #113
    Join Date
    21st May 08
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    To all --

    Over the past weeks members in the Traditional and Modern sub-forums have been discussing how those two forums are defined or described, and have asked that changes by made. Staff has listened very carefully to what you have said and has developed a set of descriptors to present to you. We apologise for the delay but it has been necessary for us to find a common base for all three sub-forums that potentially addresses the issues you have brought forth. A thread entitled Sub-Forum Descriptors has been opened in the Traditional forum for convenience. Please go there at your leisure and comment as you see fit. The Owner and Moderators will try to refrain from active participation but you may be assured that we are monitoring the discussion and after a while will begin again our own conversations considering what you have told us.

    Best wishes,
    ThistleDown (Rex)
    for the Staff

  4. #114
    Join Date
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    Im not a kilt wearer yet, hopefully this week. Most of my shirts are bowlin type shirts with a guitar theme. Depending on the shirt, they could be paired with camo (including purple), solid pants or jeans. Theyre all very nice, but definately casual.

    Will I be run off the reservation if I wear my Betty Page shirt with my black kilt & sandals?


  5. #115
    Join Date
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    Knotty: definitely not. Yet if you post it in a section of XMTS that it doesn't belong in some will bring it to your attention.
    You can wear your kilt with out anything else on or you can dress as a kilted clown. Or you can dress like a Jacobite or however you like. There are subforums that catch all. Have fun!
    Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
    Colossians 4:6

  6. #116
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    modern vs trad

    in my 8 years of kilt wearing the main things for modern I find to be are when its more ..... dressed down. t-shirt untucked hose slid down to the boot top. soo i guess modern to me would be casual vs formal and semi formal. Matirial of kilt ..... depending on yardage may also factor into it. Ultimatly as a wise auld coot once told me. It's up to you to figure your oun differance between the two. Trust yourself.

  7. #117
    Join Date
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    One of the problems with traditionalists' comments is that some of us have heard them over and over in other sub forums. It does not matter a whit how much the poster sugarcoats it here, if you've repeatedly made negative comments about modern kilt styles "they're not kilts", modes or wear, or materials in other subs we know what you "really mean" because you've already said it clearly. And it's galling to come "here" and hear it. If it's not your Traditional then go find it elsewhere. Just from the name of the sub you knew what was here and the context of the discussion. To "innocently" comment that such and such isn't traditional doesn't make much sense, and is no different than the person on the real world repeating negative comments, "no offense, just my opinion". At this point we know where you stand, just keep it to yourself, you're definately part of the problem.
    "The Highland dress is essentially a 'free' dress, -- that is to say, a man's taste and circumstances must alone be permitted to decide when and where and how he should wear it... I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed." -- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.

  8. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moski View Post
    One of the problems with traditionalists' comments is that some of us have heard them over and over in other sub forums. It does not matter a whit how much the poster sugarcoats it here, if you've repeatedly made negative comments about modern kilt styles "they're not kilts", modes or wear, or materials in other subs we know what you "really mean" because you've already said it clearly. And it's galling to come "here" and hear it. If it's not your Traditional then go find it elsewhere. Just from the name of the sub you knew what was here and the context of the discussion. To "innocently" comment that such and such isn't traditional doesn't make much sense, and is no different than the person on the real world repeating negative comments, "no offense, just my opinion". At this point we know where you stand, just keep it to yourself, you're definately part of the problem.
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  9. #119
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    To quote Jack: "Why can't we all just get along?" (Mars Attacks!)

    Keeping with the interglaactic theme and to refer to an earlier post: I REALLY want to see a picture of the Martian Kilt, Roman brush helmet and all!!!!!!!!!!

    Pretty please!

    Steve Wilson
    Last edited by tky58; 27th July 11 at 12:05 PM.

  10. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by tky58 View Post
    To quote Jack: "Why can't we all just get along?" (Mars Attacks!)

    Keeping with the interglaactic theme and to refer to an earlier post: I REALLY want to see a picture of the Marian Kilt, Roman brush helmet and all!!!!!!!!!!

    Pretty please!

    Steve Wilson
    You mean like this?

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