3rd June 09, 02:14 PM
 Originally Posted by bear@bearkilts.com
I keep thinking about this thread. I'm not entirely comfortable with my upper body shape and I'm working on it, but I'm 50 and it goes slowly. The question that keeps popping into my head is, "What if I never get lean?"
Would that mean I could never again go without a shirt on a sunny day?
I can't accept that.
I'm just going ahead and taking off my shirt.
No harm will be done. Small children will not scream. Dogs will not froth at the mouth.
Vast sheets of the polar ice caps will not cascade majestically into the ocean, causing massive worlwide flooding and general panic.
Uncounted armies of the undead will not rise seeking brains for brunch.
It's just a tummy, guys!
I see worse every day walking down the street. See that short, 300 lb woman in the spandex shorts and halter top? No, the other 300 lb woman in the spandex shorts and halter top. Yeah, the one with the lime green crocs, pink hair, and celtic tattoo on her calf.
My tummy's not sounding so bad!
I think you should go for it (not that you need my blessing). I've recently made a similar declaration to wear my bathing suits uncovered this summer and not worry about my imperfections. I have a whole drawer full of adorable swimming suits that have yet to be worn, because I usually end up wearing board shorts and a rash guard. Not this summer though!
3rd June 09, 03:50 PM
The human form is a work of art. The body (any one's body) is beautiful. I enjoy the freedom of wearing as little clothes as possible. I temper this freedom with a level of modisty appropriate for the situation, but make no mistake there is no shame in bearing one's shape no matter what the shape.
3rd June 09, 05:36 PM
Bear said:
The question that keeps popping into my head is, "What if I never get lean?"
Well, what if you don't?
However to give you some hope, at 60 years old I lost 50 pounds and have kept 45 of them at bay. For vanity to be sure, but mostly for health. When your breathing becomes labored going DOWN the stairs, when your doctor explains your risk for diabetes and heart disease--you'll know it's time to get serious!
The downside? Kilts didn't fit anymore. But most of them were X-Kilts, so not such a big inve$tment.
4th June 09, 01:35 AM
I lost about 50 lbs when I started construction at 47. (Almost killed me.) Now I ride my bike a lot and I bought a Total Gym. Another 20 lbs to go, hopefully in time to be lean for summer.
Thanks Ali. It's funny. I don't see faults when I see a woman in a bathing suit. I just smile. (Don't worry about what the guys think. They'll smile, too.)
I guess we're all our own worst critics.
My problem is that I was such a lean, good looking kid and I want to live up to that, even though I know I can't. Still ... can't help trying.
4th June 09, 03:46 AM
Context, context, context! I've enjoyed reading this thread, and my conclusion for me is that it just boils down to context.
I will happily go shirtless when doing summer-time yardwork, or when in swim trunks at the beach, or watching the kids play in my mother-in-law's neighborhood pool.
But I do not normally wear a kilt in any of those contexts. For me, when I put on a kilt I always want to project a more professional image (this could have something to do with the fact that usually when I am wearing the kilt I am representing the museum in some capacity) and so don't even normally wear t-shirts with a kilt, let alone going shirtless.
So unless I decide to succeed Hamish as X-Mark's official romance novel cover model, it is not likely to be one of my fashion choices. But it is really due to context, not any issues I have over body image.
If you are one to wear a kilt in one of the many contexts where it is appropriate for a man to be shirtless, then by all means do so.
(BTW, and as an aside, I agree wholeheartedly with Ali and others who have lauded the attractiveness of pale skin. Pale doesn't have to mean "sickly" and pale skin on a lady I think is much more attractive -- and healthy -- than skin-damaging tans. Good on ya!)
4th June 09, 06:01 AM
The weather will of course turn cold and wet as soon as I click on the 'Submit' button, but we have had wall to wall sunshine here on the South Coast of England for a while now - real mad dogs and Englishmen stuff.
I use SPF 50 or more as soon as we pass the equinox in Spring, and go on using it until late in the year - I almost always wear a wide brimmed Tilley hat when outside, unless there is at least 7/10 cloud cover.
Living on the coast I see so much sunburn - from the first boiled lobster to the falling off in rags stages, even though there are shops everywhere that sell sunscreen, or even total sun block.
Everyone should protect themselves against the damaging radiation of the sun - it doesn't cost much and it can save you anything from sleepless nights lying in a bath of cold water up to and including death from skin cancer - and malignant melanoma is not a pleasant way to go.
I don't mind bare skin - (though too tight shorts pushed down so the belly can expand over the top are really something I'd like to avoid) - but whatever shade, from Scottish blue to molasses brown, skin needs sunscreen.
Anne the (pale) Pleater :ootd:
17th June 09, 11:10 AM
Topless Kilting
Sometimes at concerts - Dropkick Murphy's, Flogging Molly, etc. Never at family type functions.
17th June 09, 04:36 PM
At 31 My body is not what it should be however I love the sun and can sometimes can burn badly. However I cant hide my flab away so I will go out shirtless in shorts jeans and as soon as I get it a kilt. If going to a store, friends, or work of course I will wear a shirt. The body comes in all shapes and sizes and I think its great becouse it would make you six pack joes regualr people if we all had bulging muscles
17th June 09, 07:44 PM
 Originally Posted by Riverkilt
Just a couple weeks ago this old fat man was hiking topless in a tartan kilt in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado...in private of course, save the lady with me.
So what do you think of topless kilting?
Well, first of all, in Canada (especially Ontario) it's NOT "topless" IT'S "top-free"... And generally going about with an un-draped torso is enshrined in jurist prudence as an 'equal opportunity' elective public activity ;-) not that many lasses embrace their rights...
Anyway... I see nothing wrong with kilted top-freedom; in fact, I endorse it: It's the next best thing to being stitchless when it's mercilessly hot and doffing the kilt as well would be socially insensitive.
The fitness or aesthetic qualities of the bodies of my fellow humans are irrelevant to whether or not they may choose to expose any part of themselves in the interests of comfort. However, I firmly believe that doing so overtly for the purpose of causing offense or for a sexual purpose is totally unacceptable.
Nonetheless, I believe that the practice of going without a shirt (kilted or not) is generally regarded as a 'manly' behaviour---at least as much so as participating in Highland Games---and therefore appropriately within the bounds of common decency. I personally believe that this tolerance should extend to members of both genders in the most universal way. I accept that this view is perhaps 'from the fringes' but it is what I believe.
18th June 09, 06:49 AM
I am currently in Bermuda and here it is illegal for anyone to go topless in public, so it would be a very quick way to get arrested. Politely arrested, but arrested nevertheless.
Last edited by Tetley; 18th June 09 at 06:49 AM.
Reason: Spelling error
The Traveller
What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it. - Lazarus Long
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