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Thread: Unhappy camper!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    20th March 06
    Edmonds, Washington, USA
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    I would hate to see UK fold because they were more successful than they could handle.
    I seriously doubt that...but they may lose some business because they can't keep folks happy.

    It's good that UK has high QC standards. Yet waiting extra time due to QC problems is extremely frustrating

    When I got my survival UK in March, I was really torn between waiting 8 weeks (or more) for getting one in Basil the color I really, really like or walking out with one tan.
    I walked out with the Tan one I couldn't wait :rolleyes:

    TB, I would call UK and see what they have in stock in your size. From what I seen in my size (36-37 M), they have lots of originals and mockers in stock...think one in each color; a few workmans and survivals.


  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende
    Actually, I don't mind a little wait, but seriously, after 40,000 product sold and shipped, don't you think they'd be able to anticipate a certain number can be on hand at any time?
    I read they have to pay a tax on their stock, so they keep it as low as possible.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    2nd May 06
    Seattle, Washington
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvain
    I read they have to pay a tax on their stock, so they keep it as low as possible.
    Washington State's tax system is pretty byzantine, but no, they don't have an "inventory tax" (where the value of inventory increases the value of the property where it stored, thus increasing the assessment of the property tax.) A check on the web showed that about ten states do that; Ohio is the only one I found mentioned by name.

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