Let's see ... ManLawPedia ... Style ... Clothing ... "No man shall ask a kilted man what he is wearing under his kilt, as it is understood that kilts are worn regimental."
Well, they got that one right. So the next time hassles one of us in a bar, look the idjit in the eye and say "Man Law."
[b][SIZE=2] In Soviet Russia, kilt wears you.
[/b] [/SIZE]__________________________________
Proudly affiliated: Clan Barclay International, Clan Chattan Society, The Western NC Rabble, The ([i]Really[/i]) Southern Ontario Kilt Society, The Order of the Dandelion
A question... Is it just me, or does Miller taste just like crushed aspirin when you drink it? I swear, there is this after taste that always tastes like those little orange St. Joseph's aspirins they give you as a kid.
I think that the "Big" three IE: Bud, Miller and Coors, are not worth ordering. Just my $ 0.02