Here's a small project I worked on this weekend. Dirka, this is for you.
It's based on the Celtic Knot in Dirka Skene's Avatar.
It was a nice little practice piece. Size is about 5 inches by 8 inches. Only tools needed were a swivel knife, a beveler and mallet, a modeler spoon and a edger. I put Resolene finish on the light parts of the knot and then used Tandy Dark Brown Antique Stain for the finish.
Next time I'll pay more attention to getting the width of the lines on the pattern more uniform before tracing it onto the damp leather, but this was just practice to see how it looks.
If Dirka has the talent to draw the knots, she should be able to do the leather work also. Other aspiring leather workers, let's see your work too!
This was my last decent size piece of leather. Need to get to the store next week while I'm on vacation. Then I want to make a really good Scottish Lion Brown Sporran for myself. Then a Welsh Dragon for my new St. David's cilt.