I do not own a PV kilt, but I an attest to the high quality work of USA Kilts. I can also say that velcro is easily hidden by wearing a belt. I have a Sport Kilt Comfy Kilt (considerably more casual than the USA "Casual"). I have worn it plenty of times, always with a belt. No one has ever noticed or commented on the velcro. It looks perfectly OK to anyone who isn't pretty well-versed in traditional
Your plan sounds like a great way to try out kilting. Have fun!
Sounds like you are bound for a USA Kilt Semi-Traditional. I endorse this choice. I have several wool kilts but also a USA Kilt Semi-Traditional and a Casual in my family tartan. The Semi-Traditional has the look and feel of a real kilt. The Casual not so much so. It is not so obvious in still pictures but when you move in them the lack of material in the Casual is evident. I still wear it around the house in hot weather like a pair of light shorts with more air circulation. I have never worn it out in public but I do wear the semi-traditional out in the summer time.